
TextAbsorber class

Represents an absorber object of a text.
Performs text extraction and provides access to the result via text object.

The TextAbsorber type exposes the following members:


TextAbsorber()Initializes a new instance of the TextAbsorber.
TextAbsorber(extraction_options)Initializes a new instance of the TextAbsorber class
TextAbsorber(extraction_options, text_search_options)Initializes a new instance of the TextAbsorber class
TextAbsorber(text_search_options)Initializes a new instance of the TextAbsorber class


textGets extracted text that the TextAbsorber extracts on the PDF document or page.
has_errorsValue indicates whether errors were found during text extraction.
Searching for errors will performed only if TextSearchOptions.LogTextExtractionErrors = true; And it may decrease performance.
errorsList of TextExtractionError objects. It contain information about errors were found during text extraction.
Searching for errors will performed only if TextSearchOptions.LogTextExtractionErrors = true; And it may decrease performance.
extraction_optionsGets or sets text extraction options.
text_search_optionsGets or sets text search options.


visit(page)Extracts text on the specified page
visit(form)Extracts text on the specified XForm.
visit(pdf)Extracts text on the specified document

See Also