
TextSearchOptions class

Represents text search options

The TextSearchOptions type exposes the following members:


TextSearchOptions(is_regular_expression_used)Initializes a new instance of the TextSearchOptions class
TextSearchOptions(rectangle)Initializes a new instance of the TextSearchOptions class
TextSearchOptions(rectangle, is_regular_expression_used)Initializes a new instance of the TextSearchOptions class


is_regular_expression_usedGets or sets indication that regular expression is used.
limit_to_page_boundsGets or sets indication that text is searched within the page bounds.
rectangleGets or sets rectangle that bounds the searched text.
use_font_engine_encodingGets or sets indication that text will be searched using font engine encoding.
true - means that font engine encoding will be used (try this if text search fails because of imperfect encoding in the document)
false - means that document font encoding will be used (default value)
ignore_shadow_textGets or sets indication that text fragments representing shadow of normal text will be ignored during search.
true - means that shadow text will not be found (try this if text search returns duplicated fragments on the close positions)
false - means that shadow text will be found as well as normal text (default value)
log_text_extraction_errorsGets or sets indication that text extraction (decoding) errors will be logged in the text (fragment) absorber.
true - means that text extraction (decoding) errors will be loged. It may decrease performance.
false (default) - no error loging.
ignore_resource_font_errorsGets or sets indication that errors related to absence of font will be ignored by text (fragment) absorber.
true - means that errors of absence of font will be ignored. Text segments that refer to incorrect resources will be skipped during processing.
false (default) - absence of font error will terminate processing by throwing exception.
search_for_text_related_graphicsGets or sets value that permits searching for text related graphics (underlining, background etc.) during text search.
true - searching for text related graphics will be performed (default value).
false - graphic elements that may present in source document will be ignored. Set this in case of performance issues or no need to handle underlining, background, or clipping.
stored_graphic_elements_max_countGets or sets value that limits searching for text related graphics (underlining, background etc.) on a page for the speciefied number of elements.
The default is 250. Set lesser value in the case of performance problems, try larger value in the case some graphic elements wasn’t found.
search_in_annotationsGets or sets value that permits searching for text in Annotations.
true - text will be searched in Annotations.
false - text in Annotations won’t be parsed by TextFragmentAbsorber.

See Also