
HeaderArtifact class

Class describes Heaader artifact. This artifacgt may be used to set heading of the page.

The HeaderArtifact type exposes the following members:


HeaderArtifact()Creates Header Artifact instance.


custom_typeGets name of artifact type. May be used if artifact type is non standard.
custom_subtypeGets name of artifact subtype. May be used if artifact subtype is not standard subtype.
typeGets artifact type.
subtypeGets artifact subtype. If artifact has non-standard subtype, name of the subtype may be read via CustomSubtype.
contentsGets collection of artifact internal operators.
formGets XForm of the artifact (if XForm is used).
rectangleGets rectangle of the artifact.
positionGets or sets artifact position.
If this property is specified, then margins and alignments are ignored.
right_marginRight margin of artifact.
If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored.
left_marginLeft margin of artifact.
If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored.
top_marginTop margin of artifact.
If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored.
bottom_marginBottom margin of artifact.
If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored.
artifact_horizontal_alignmentHorizontal alignment of artifact.
If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored.
artifact_vertical_alignmentVertical alignment of artifact.
If position is specified explicitly (in Position property) this value is ignored.
rotationGets or sets artifact rotation angle.
textGets text of the artifact.
imageGets image of the artifact (if presents).
opacityGets or sets opacity of the artifact. Possible values are in range 0..1.
linesLines of multiline text artifact.
text_stateText state for artifact text.
is_backgroundIf true Artifact is placed behind page contents.


set_image(image_stream)Sets image of the artifact.
set_image(image_name)Sets image of the artifact.
set_text(formatted_text)Sets text of the artifact.
set_text_and_state(text, text_state)Set text and text properties of the artifact.
set_lines_and_state(text, text_state)Set text and text properties of the artifact. Allows to specify multiple lines.
set_pdf_page(page)Sets PDF page which is placed on the document page as artifact.
get_value(name)Gets custom value of artifact.
set_value(name, value)Sets custom value of artifact.
remove_value(name)Remove custom value from the artifact.
begin_updates()Start delated updates. Use this feature if you need make several changes to the same artifact to improve performance.
Usually artifact operators are changed anytime when artifact property was changed. This causes changing of page contents
everytime when artifact was changed. To avoid this effect put all artifact updates between StartUpdates/SaveUpdates calls.
This allows to change page contents only once.
save_updates()Saves all updates in artifact which were made after BeginUpdates() call.

See Also