
LoadFormat enumeration

Specifies load format.


Member nameDescription
CGMmeans loading of document in CGM format
HTMLmeans loading of document in HTML format
EPUBmeans loading of document in EPUB format(special format of e-books)
XMLmeans loading of document in XML format(special XML that represent logical structure of PDF document)
XSLFOmeans loading of document in XSLFO format
PCLmeans loading of document in PCL format
XPSmeans loading of document in XPS format
TEXmeans loading of document in TEX format - format of Latex text editor
SVGmeans loading of document in SVG format - format of Latex text editor
MHTmeans loading of document in MHT format(that is packed HTML format)
PSmeans loading of document in PS format(format of PostScript document)
MDmeans loading document is in MD format (markdown).
TXTmeans loading document is in TXT format.
APSmeans loading document in APS format.
PDFXMLInternal PDF document structure in XML format.

See Also