
Matrix class

Class represents transformation matrix.

The Matrix type exposes the following members:


creates stanrard 1 to 1 matrix:
[ A B C D E F ] = [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
Matrix(matrix_array)Initializes a new instance of the Matrix class
Matrix(matrix_array)Initializes a new instance of the Matrix class
Matrix(matrix)Initializes a new instance of the Matrix class
Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f)Initializes a new instance of the Matrix class


dataGets data of Matrix as array.
aA member of the transformation matrix.
bB member of the transformation matrix.
cC member of the transformation matrix.
dD member of the transformation matrix.
eE member of the transformation matrix.
fF member of the transformation matrix.
elementsElements of the matrix.


rotation(alpha)Creates matrix for given rotation angle.
rotation(rotation)Creates matrix for given rotation angle.
transform(p)Transforms point using this matrix.
transform(rect)Transformes rectangle.
If angle is not 90 * N degrees then bounding rectangle is returned.
skew(alpha, beta)Creates matrix for given rotation angle.
get_angle(rotation)Transaltes rotation into angle (degrees)
multiply(other)Multiplies the matrix by other matrix.
add(other)Adds matrix to other matrix.
reverse()Calculates reverse matrix.

See Also