
Metadata class

Provides access to XMP metadata stream.

The Metadata type exposes the following members:


is_fixed_sizeChecks if colleciton has fixed size.
keysGets collection of metadata keys.
valuesGets values in the metadata.
is_synchronizedChecks if collection is synchronized.
sync_rootGets collection synchronization object.


register_namespace_uri(prefix, namespace_uri)Registers namespace URI.
register_namespace_uri(prefix, namespace_uri, schema_description)Registers namespace URI.
add(key, value)Adds value to metadata.
add(key, value)Adds value to metadata.
add(prefix, value)Adds pdf extension to metadata.
get_namespace_uri_by_prefix(prefix)Returns namespace URI by prefix.
get_prefix_by_namespace_uri(namespace_uri)Returns prefix by namespace URI.
contains(key)Checks does key is contained in metadata.
remove(key)Removes entry from metadata.
contains_key(key)Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key.
try_get_value(key, value)Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found.

See Also