
PageCollection class

Collection of PDF document pages.

The PageCollection type exposes the following members:


is_synchronizedReturns true of object is synchorinzed.
sync_rootGets synchronization object of the collection.


[index]Gets page by index.


add(entity)Adds page to collection.
add()Adds page to collection.
add(pages)Adds to collection all pages from list.
add(pages)Adds to collection all pages from array.
delete(index)Delete specified page.
delete()Delete specified page.
delete(pages)Delete pages specified which numbers are specified in array.
accept(visitor)Accepts AnnotationSelector visitor object that provides functionality to work with annotations.
accept(visitor)Accepts ImagePlacementAbsorber visitor object that provides functionality to work with image placement objects.
accept(visitor)Accepts TextFragmentAbsorber visitor object that provides functionality to work with text objects.
accept(visitor)Accepts TextAbsorber visitor object that provides functionality to work with text objects.
insert(page_number)Insert empty apge into collection at the specified position.
insert(page_number, entity)Insert empty apge into collection at the specified position.
insert(page_number, pages)Inserts pages from the collection into document.
insert(page_number, pages)Inserts pages of the array into document.
index_of(entity)Returns index of the specified page.
flatten()Removes all fields located on the pages and place their values instead.
free_memory()Clears cached data

See Also