
Table class

Represents a table that can be added to the page.

The Table type exposes the following members:


Table()Initializes a new instance of the Table class


vertical_alignmentGets or sets a vertical alignment of paragraph
horizontal_alignmentGets or sets a horizontal alignment of paragraph
marginGets or sets a outer margin for paragraph (for pdf generation)
is_first_paragraph_in_columnGets or sets a bool value that indicates whether this paragraph will be at next column.
Default is false.(for pdf generation)
is_kept_with_nextGets or sets a bool value that indicates whether current paragraph remains in the same page along with next paragraph.
Default is false.(for pdf generation)
is_in_new_pageGets or sets a bool value that force this paragraph generates at new page.
Default is false.(for pdf generation)
is_in_line_paragraphGets or sets a paragraph is inline.
Default is false.(for pdf generation)
hyperlinkGets or sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator).
z_indexGets or sets a int value that indicates the Z-order of the graph. A graph with larger ZIndex
will be placed over the graph with smaller ZIndex. ZIndex can be negative. Graph with negative
ZIndex will be placed behind the text in the page.
background_colorGets or sets table background color
break_textGets or sets break text for table
corner_styleGets or sets the styles of the border corners
repeating_rows_styleGets the style for repeating rows
repeating_columns_countGets or sets the maximum columns count for table
repeating_rows_countGets the first rows count repeated for several pages
column_widthsGets the column widths of the table.
brokenGets or sets table vertial broken;
default_cell_borderGets default cell border;
default_column_widthGets default cell border;
rowsGets the rows of the table.
borderGets or sets the border.
default_cell_paddingGets or sets the default cell padding.
default_cell_text_stateGets or sets the default cell text state.
alignmentGets or sets the table alignment.
leftGets or sets the table left coordinate.
topGets or sets the table top coordinate.
is_brokenGets or sets the table is broken - will be truncated for next page.
is_borders_includedGets or sets border included in column widhts.
column_adjustmentGets or sets the table column adjustment.


clone()Clone the table.
get_width()Get width.
get_height(parent_page)Get height.
set_column_text_state(col_number, text_state)Set height.
import_array(imported_array, first_filled_row, first_filled_column, is_left_columns_filled)Imports one-dimensional array of data into table. Import goes one cell per each array’s item and
starts from row and column defined in parameters. During import, if detected that necessary rows
are still absent(i.e. target table is too small to absorb all data), necessary rows will be created

See Also