
PdfFileSecurity.TrySetPrivilege method

Ställer in Pdf-filsäkerhet med originallösenord. Ger inget undantag om processen misslyckades.

public bool TrySetPrivilege(string userPassword, string ownerPassword, DocumentPrivilege privilege)
userPasswordStringUrsprungligt användarlösenord.
ownerPasswordStringUrsprungligt ägarlösenord.
privilegeDocumentPrivilegeAnge privilegium.


Sant för framgång, eller falskt.


string inFile = "D:\\input.pdf"; //TestPath kan tilldelas om.
string outFile = "D:\\output.pdf"; //TestPath kan tilldelas om.
PdfFileSecurity fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile);		
bool result = fileSecurity.TrySetPrivilege(userPassword, ownerPassword, DocumentPrivilege.Print);

[Visual Basic]
Dim inFile As String =  "D:\\input.pdf"  'The TestPath may be re-assigned.'
Dim outFile As String =  "D:\\output.pdf"  'The TestPath may be re-assigned.'
Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity =  New PdfFileSecurity(inFile,outFile) 
Dim result As Boolean = fileSecurity.TrySetPrivilege(userPassword, ownerPassword, DocumentPrivilege.Print)

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