
The package contains classes suitable for export, save or creation of different file formats.


BmpOptionsThe bmp file format creation options.
CmxRasterizationOptionsthe CMX exporter options.
GifOptionsThe gif file format creation options.
GraphicsOptionsRepresents graphics options for embedded bitmap.
Jpeg2000OptionsThe Jpeg2000 file format options.
JpegOptionsThe jpeg file format create options.
MultiPageModeRepresents multipage mode
MultiPageOptionsBase class for multiple pages supported formats
PdfOptionsThe PDF options.
PngOptionsThe png file format create options.
PositioningTypesPositioning and size types for graphics scene.
PsdOptionsThe psd file format create options.
RdOptimizerSettingsRD optimizer settings class
RenderErrorCodeRepresents possible missing sections in CAD file
RenderResultRepresents information with results of rendering
TiffOptionsThe tiff file format options.
TiffOptionsErrorThe tiff options error codes.
TiffOptionsUtilsThe tiff file format options utility class.
TypeOfEntitiesRepresents types of entities to render
VectorRasterizationOptionsThe vector rasterization options.