
AiImage.ActivePageIndex property

Gets or sets the index of the active page.

public int ActivePageIndex { get; set; }

Property Value

This property is only actual for PDF format AI image. If the image is not in PDF format or there are no pages, the property will be -1. This property shows which page of AI image will be the base for rendering.


IndexOutOfRangeExceptionThere is no page in this document with index " + value.ToString()


The following code demonstrates support of ability to change active page in Ai images.


string sourceFile = "";
string firstPageOutputPng = "firstPageOutput.png";
string secondPageOutputPng = "secondPageOutput.png";
string thirdPageOutputPng = "thirdPageOutput.png";

// Load the AI image.
using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
    // By default, the ActivePageIndex is 0.
    // So if you save the AI image without changing this property, the first page will be rendered and saved.
    image.Save(firstPageOutputPng, new PngOptions());

    // Change the active page index to the second page.
    image.ActivePageIndex = 1;

    // Save the second page of the AI image as a PNG image.
    image.Save(secondPageOutputPng, new PngOptions());

    // Change the active page index to the third page.
    image.ActivePageIndex = 2;

    // Save the third page of the AI image as a PNG image.
    image.Save(thirdPageOutputPng, new PngOptions());

See Also