
BlackWhiteAdjustmentLayer.BlackAndWhitePresetFileName property

Gets or sets the black and white preset file name.

public string BlackAndWhitePresetFileName { get; set; }

Property Value

The black and white preset file name.


The following example demonstrates how you can manipulate the black white adjustment layer properties in Aspose.PSD


sourceFileName = "BlackWhiteAdjustmentLayerStripesMask.psd";
outputFileName = "OutputBlackWhiteAdjustmentLayerStripesMask.psd";
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
    var blwhLayer = (BlackWhiteAdjustmentLayer)image.Layers[1];

    blwhLayer.Reds = 15;
    blwhLayer.Yellows = 25;
    blwhLayer.Greens = 35;
    blwhLayer.Cyans = 10;
    blwhLayer.Blues = 50;
    blwhLayer.Magentas = 105;
    blwhLayer.UseTint = true;
    blwhLayer.BwPresetKind = 4;
    blwhLayer.BlackAndWhitePresetFileName = "bwPresetFileName";
    blwhLayer.TintColorRed = 60;
    blwhLayer.TintColorGreen = 80;
    blwhLayer.TintColorBlue = 200;

    image.Save(outputFileName, new PsdOptions());

See Also