
ThresholdLayer.Level property

Gets and sets the threshold level.

public short Level { get; set; }

Property Value

The level.


The following code demonstrates the support of ThresholdLayer adjustment layer.


string sourceFileWithThresholdLayer = "flowers_threshold_source.psd";
string outputPsdWithThresholdLayer = "flowers_threshold_output.psd";
string outputPngWithThresholdLayer = "flowers_threshold_output.png";

string sourceFileWithoutThresholdLayer = "flowers_source.psd";
string outputPsdWithoutThresholdLayer = "flowers_output.psd";
string outputPngWithoutThresholdLayer = "flowers_output.png";

void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual)
    if (!object.Equals(expected, actual))
        throw new Exception("Objects are not equal.");

// Get, check, and change the Threshold adjustment layer from the image.
using (var image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileWithThresholdLayer))
    foreach (var layer in image.Layers)
        if (layer is ThresholdLayer)
            // Get Threshold adjustment layer.
            ThresholdLayer thrsLayer = (ThresholdLayer)layer;
            var level = thrsLayer.Level;

            // Check layers parameters.
            AssertAreEqual(level, (short)115);

            // Set layers parameters.
            thrsLayer.Level = 50;

            image.Save(outputPngWithThresholdLayer, new PngOptions());

// Add and set the Threshold adjustment layer to the image.
using (var image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileWithoutThresholdLayer))
    // Add Threshold Adjustment layer.
    ThresholdLayer thresholdLayer = image.AddThresholdAdjustmentLayer();

    // Set layers parameters.
    thresholdLayer.Level = 115;

    image.Save(outputPngWithoutThresholdLayer, new PngOptions());

See Also