Class Timeline

Timeline class

The time line options model.

public sealed class Timeline


Timeline()The default constructor.


ActiveFrameIndex { get; }Gets the active frame index.
AFSt { get; set; }Gets or sets the AFSt value.
Frames { get; set; }Gets the list of frames.
FsID { get; set; }Gets or sets the FsID value.
LoopesCount { get; set; }Gets or sets the count of loops.


Save(Stream, ImageOptionsBase)Saves the PsdImage’s and Timeline data to the specified stream in the specified format according to save options.
Save(string, ImageOptionsBase)Saves the PsdImage’s and Timeline data to the specified file location in the specified format according to save options.
SwitchActiveFrame(int)Switches the active frame to targeted.


The Timeline class gives a high-level ability to manipulate the timeline of PsdImage, like changing frame delay or editing layer state on a specific frame.


string sourceFile = "image1219.psd";
string outputPsd = "output_image800.psd";

using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
    Timeline timeline = psdImage.Timeline;

    // Change dispose method of frame 1
    timeline.Frames[0].DisposalMethod = FrameDisposalMethod.DoNotDispose;

    // Change delay of frame 2
    timeline.Frames[1].Delay = 15;

    // Change opacity of 'Layer 1' on frame 2
    LayerState layerState11 = timeline.Frames[1].LayerStates[1];
    layerState11.Opacity = 50;

    // move 'Layer 1' to left-bottom corner on frame 3
    LayerState layerState21 = timeline.Frames[2].LayerStates[1];
    layerState21.PositionOffset = new Point(-50, 230);

    // Adds new frame
    List<Frame> frames = new List<Frame>(timeline.Frames);
    frames.Add(new Frame());
    timeline.Frames = frames.ToArray();

    // Change blendMode of 'Layer 1' on frame 4
    LayerState layerState31 = timeline.Frames[3].LayerStates[1];
    layerState31.BlendMode = BlendMode.Dissolve;

    // Apply changes back to PsdImage instance

See Also