
GradientColorPoint.RawColor property

Gets or sets the color of the raw.

public RawColor RawColor { get; set; }

Property Value

The color of the raw.


The following code demonstrates the support of RawColor class instead of obsolete Color struct.


void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual, string message = null)
    if (!object.Equals(expected, actual))
        throw new Exception(message ?? "Objects are not equal.");

var color = new RawColor(PixelDataFormat.Rgba32Bpp);
var oldColor = Color.FromArgb(5, 1, 2, 3);

var argbValue = oldColor.ToArgb();

AssertAreEqual("ARGB", color.GetColorModeName());
AssertAreEqual(32, color.GetBitDepth());
AssertAreEqual("A Alpha", color.Components[0].FullName);
AssertAreEqual(5, (int)color.Components[0].Value);
AssertAreEqual("R Red", color.Components[1].FullName);
AssertAreEqual(1, (int)color.Components[1].Value);
AssertAreEqual("G Green", color.Components[2].FullName);
AssertAreEqual(2, (int)color.Components[2].Value);
AssertAreEqual("B Blue", color.Components[3].FullName);
AssertAreEqual(3, (int)color.Components[3].Value);

AssertAreEqual(argbValue, color.GetAsInt());

See Also