
ColorOverlayEffect.EffectType property

Gets a type of effect

public LayerEffectsTypes EffectType { get; }


The following code demonstrates support of ILayerEffect.EffectType property.


string inputFile = "input.psd";
string outputWithout = "outputWithout.png";
string outputWith = "outputWith.png";

using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(inputFile, new LoadOptions()))
    psdImage.Save(outputWithout, new PngOptions());

    Layer workLayer = psdImage.Layers[1];

    DropShadowEffect dropShadowEffect = workLayer.BlendingOptions.AddDropShadow();
    dropShadowEffect.Distance = 0;
    dropShadowEffect.Size = 8;
    dropShadowEffect.Opacity = 20;

    foreach (ILayerEffect iEffect in workLayer.BlendingOptions.Effects)
        if (iEffect.EffectType == LayerEffectsTypes.DropShadow)
            // it caught
            psdImage.Save(outputWith, new PngOptions());

See Also