Enum StrokePosition

StrokePosition enumeration

The position setting controls the alignment of your stroke to the layer it’s applied to in the StrokeEffect.

public enum StrokePosition : short


Inside0The stroke will be created from the edge of the shape and grow inward, to the center of the object.
Center1The stroke will be created from the edge of the shape and grow both inwards and outwards.
Outside2The stroke will be created from the edge of the shape and will grow outwards, away from the object.


This example demonstrates the ability to add the stroke effect with different types of fill like Color, Gradient or Pattern.


using (var psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(srcFile, new PsdLoadOptions() { LoadEffectsResource = true }))
    StrokeEffect strokeEffect;
    IColorFillSettings colorFillSettings;
    IGradientFillSettings gradientFillSettings;
    IPatternFillSettings patternFillSettings;

    // 1. Adds Color fill, at position Inside
    strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[1].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Color);
    strokeEffect.Size = 7;
    strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Inside;
    colorFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IColorFillSettings;
    colorFillSettings.Color = Color.Green;

    // 2. Adds Color fill, at position Outside
    strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[2].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Color);
    strokeEffect.Size = 7;
    strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Outside;
    colorFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IColorFillSettings;
    colorFillSettings.Color = Color.Green;

    // 3. Adds Color fill, at position Center
    strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[3].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Color);
    strokeEffect.Size = 7;
    strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Center;
    colorFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IColorFillSettings;
    colorFillSettings.Color = Color.Green;

    // 4. Adds Gradient fill, at position Inside
    strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[4].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Gradient);
    strokeEffect.Size = 5;
    strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Inside;
    gradientFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IGradientFillSettings;
    gradientFillSettings.AlignWithLayer = false;
    gradientFillSettings.Angle = 90;

    // 5. Adds Gradient fill, at position Outside
    strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[5].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Gradient);
    strokeEffect.Size = 5;
    strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Outside;
    gradientFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IGradientFillSettings;
    gradientFillSettings.AlignWithLayer = true;
    gradientFillSettings.Angle = 90;

    // 6. Adds Gradient fill, at position Center
    strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[6].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Gradient);
    strokeEffect.Size = 5;
    strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Center;
    gradientFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IGradientFillSettings;
    gradientFillSettings.AlignWithLayer = true;
    gradientFillSettings.Angle = 0;

    // 7. Adds Pattern fill, at position Inside
    strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[7].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Pattern);
    strokeEffect.Size = 5;
    strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Inside;
    patternFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IPatternFillSettings;
    patternFillSettings.Scale = 200;

    // 8. Adds Pattern fill, at position Outside
    strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[8].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Pattern);
    strokeEffect.Size = 10;
    strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Outside;
    patternFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IPatternFillSettings;
    patternFillSettings.Scale = 100;

    // 9. Adds Pattern fill, at position Center
    strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[9].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Pattern);
    strokeEffect.Size = 10;
    strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Center;
    patternFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IPatternFillSettings;
    patternFillSettings.Scale = 75;

    psdImage.Save(outputFilePng, new PngOptions());

See Also