

Replaces the smart object contents embedded in the smart object layer.

public void ReplaceContents(Image image)
imageImageThe image.


The following code demonstrates the support of Embedded Smart objects.


void AssertAreEqual(object actual, object expected)
    if (!object.Equals(actual, expected))
        throw new FormatException(string.Format("Actual value {0} are not equal to expected {1}.", actual, expected));

// This example demonstrates how to change the smart object layer in the PSD file and export / update smart object original embedded contents.
const int left = 0;
const int top = 0;
const int right = 0xb;
const int bottom = 0x10;
FileFormat[] formats = new[]
    FileFormat.Png, FileFormat.Psd, FileFormat.Bmp, FileFormat.Jpeg, FileFormat.Gif, FileFormat.Tiff, FileFormat.Jpeg2000
foreach (FileFormat format in formats)
    string formatString = format.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
    string formatExt = format == FileFormat.Jpeg2000 ? "jpf" : formatString;
    string fileName = "r-embedded-" + formatString;
    string sourceFilePath = fileName + ".psd";
    string pngOutputPath = fileName + "_output.png";
    string psdOutputPath = fileName + "_output.psd";
    string png2OutputPath = fileName + "_updated.png";
    string psd2OutputPath = fileName + "_updated.psd";
    string exportPath = fileName + "_export." + formatExt;
    using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
        var smartObjectLayer = (SmartObjectLayer)image.Layers[0];

        AssertAreEqual(left, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Left);
        AssertAreEqual(top, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Top);
        AssertAreEqual(right, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Right);
        AssertAreEqual(bottom, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Bottom);

        // Let's export the embedded smart object image from the PSD smart object layer

        // Let's check if the original image is saved correctly
        image.Save(psdOutputPath, new PsdOptions(image));
        image.Save(pngOutputPath, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

        using (var innerImage = (RasterImage)smartObjectLayer.LoadContents(null))
            AssertAreEqual(format, innerImage.FileFormat);

            // Let's invert original smart object image
            var pixels = innerImage.LoadArgb32Pixels(innerImage.Bounds);
            for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                var pixel = pixels[i];
                var alpha = (int)(pixel & 0xff000000);
                pixels[i] = (~(pixel & 0x00ffffff)) | alpha;

            innerImage.SaveArgb32Pixels(innerImage.Bounds, pixels);

            // Let's replace the embedded smart object image in the PSD layer

        // Let's check if the updated image is saved correctly
        image.Save(psd2OutputPath, new PsdOptions(image));
        image.Save(png2OutputPath, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

See Also

ReplaceContents(Image, ResolutionSetting)

Replaces the smart object contents embedded in the smart object layer.

public void ReplaceContents(Image image, ResolutionSetting resolution)
imageImageThe image.
resolutionResolutionSettingThe resolution settings. If null the image resolution will be used.


PsdImageExceptionCan only replace embedded smart object.


This example demonstrates that the ReplaceContents method works correctly when the new content file has a different resolution.


// This example demonstrates that the ReplaceContents method works correctly when the new content file has a different resolution.
string fileName = "CommonPsb.psd";
string filePath = baseFolder + fileName; // original PSD image
string newContentPath = baseFolder + "image.jpg"; // the new content file for the smart object
string outputFilePath = outputFolder + "ChangedPsd";
string pngOutputPath = outputFilePath + ".png"; // the output PNG file
string psdOutputPath = outputFilePath + ".psd"; // the output PSD file
using (PsdImage psd = (PsdImage)Image.Load(filePath))
    for (int i = 0; i < psd.Layers.Length; i++)
        var layer = psd.Layers[i];
        SmartObjectLayer smartObjectLayer = layer as SmartObjectLayer;
        if (smartObjectLayer != null)

            psd.Save(pngOutputPath, new PngOptions() { ColorType = Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Png.PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

See Also

ReplaceContents(string, ResolutionSetting)

Replaces the contents with a file. There is no need to call UpdateModifiedContent method afterwards.

public void ReplaceContents(string linkedPath, ResolutionSetting resolution)
linkedPathStringThe linked path.
resolutionResolutionSettingThe resolution settings. If null the image resolution will be used.


This example demonstrates that the ReplaceContents method works correctly when the new content file has a different resolution.


// This example demonstrates that the ReplaceContents method works correctly when the new content file has a different resolution.
string fileName = "CommonPsb.psd";
string filePath = baseFolder + fileName; // original PSD image
string newContentPath = baseFolder + "image.jpg"; // the new content file for the smart object
string outputFilePath = outputFolder + "ChangedPsd";
string pngOutputPath = outputFilePath + ".png"; // the output PNG file
string psdOutputPath = outputFilePath + ".psd"; // the output PSD file
using (PsdImage psd = (PsdImage)Image.Load(filePath))
    for (int i = 0; i < psd.Layers.Length; i++)
        var layer = psd.Layers[i];
        SmartObjectLayer smartObjectLayer = layer as SmartObjectLayer;
        if (smartObjectLayer != null)

            psd.Save(pngOutputPath, new PngOptions() { ColorType = Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Png.PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

See Also


Replaces the contents with a file. There is no need to call UpdateModifiedContent method afterwards.

public void ReplaceContents(string linkedPath)
linkedPathStringThe linked path.


The following code demonstrates the support of updating Linked Smart objects.


void AssertAreEqual(object actual, object expected)
    var areEqual = object.Equals(actual, expected);
    if (!areEqual && actual is Array && expected is Array)
        var actualArray = (Array)actual;
        var expectedArray = (Array)actual;
        if (actualArray.Length == expectedArray.Length)
            for (int i = 0; i < actualArray.Length; i++)
                if (!object.Equals(actualArray.GetValue(i), expectedArray.GetValue(i)))

            areEqual = true;

    if (!areEqual)
        throw new FormatException(
            string.Format("Actual value {0} are not equal to expected {1}.", actual, expected));

// This example demonstrates how to update the external or embedded smart object layer using these methods:
// RelinkToFile, UpdateModifiedContent, ExportContents
ExampleOfUpdatingSmartObjectLayer("rgb8_2x2_linked2.psd", 0x53, 0, 0, 2, 2, FileFormat.Png);
ExampleOfUpdatingSmartObjectLayer("r-embedded-png.psd", 0x207, 0, 0, 0xb, 0x10, FileFormat.Png);

void ExampleOfUpdatingSmartObjectLayer(
    string filePath,
    int contentsLength,
    int left,
    int top,
    int right,
    int bottom,
    FileFormat format)
    // This example demonstrates how to change the smart object layer in the PSD file and export / update its contents.
    string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
    string dataDir = "updating_output" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
    filePath = filePath;
    string pngOutputPath = dataDir + fileName + "_modified.png";
    string png2OutputPath = dataDir + fileName + "_updated_modified.png";
    string psd2OutputPath = dataDir + fileName + "_updated_modified.psd";
    string exportPath = dataDir + fileName + "_exported." + GetFormatExt(format);
    using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(filePath))
        var smartObjectLayer = (SmartObjectLayer)image.Layers[0];
        var contentType = smartObjectLayer.ContentType;
        AssertAreEqual(contentsLength, smartObjectLayer.Contents.Length);
        AssertAreEqual(left, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Left);
        AssertAreEqual(top, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Top);
        AssertAreEqual(right, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Right);
        AssertAreEqual(bottom, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Bottom);

        if (contentType == SmartObjectType.AvailableLinked)
            // Let's export the external smart object image from the PSD smart object layer to a new location
            // because we are going to modify it.

        // Let's invert the content of the smart object: inner (not cached) image
        using (var innerImage = (RasterImage)smartObjectLayer.LoadContents(new LoadOptions()))
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                smartObjectLayer.Contents = stream.ToArray();

        // Let's check whether the modified content does not affect rendering yet.
        image.Save(pngOutputPath, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });


        // Let's check whether the updated content affects rendering and the psd image is saved correctly
        image.Save(psd2OutputPath, new PsdOptions(image));
        image.Save(png2OutputPath, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

// This example demonstrates how to convert the embedded smart object to external linked contents using the ConvertToLinked method.
ExampleOfEmbeddedSmartObjectLayerToLinkedConversion("new_panama-papers-4.psd", 0x10caa, 0, 0, 0x280, 0x169, FileFormat.Jpeg);
ExampleOfEmbeddedSmartObjectLayerToLinkedConversion("r3-embedded.psd", 0x207, 0, 0, 0xb, 0x10, FileFormat.Png);
ExampleOfEmbeddedSmartObjectLayerToLinkedConversion("r-embedded-tiff.psd", 0xca94, 0, 0, 0xb, 0x10, FileFormat.Tiff);
ExampleOfEmbeddedSmartObjectLayerToLinkedConversion("r-embedded-bmp.psd", 0x278, 0, 0, 0xb, 0x10, FileFormat.Bmp);
ExampleOfEmbeddedSmartObjectLayerToLinkedConversion("r-embedded-gif.psd", 0x3ec, 0, 0, 0xb, 0x10, FileFormat.Gif);
ExampleOfEmbeddedSmartObjectLayerToLinkedConversion("r-embedded-jpeg.psd", 0x327, 0, 0, 0xb, 0x10, FileFormat.Jpeg);
ExampleOfEmbeddedSmartObjectLayerToLinkedConversion("r-embedded-jpeg2000.psd", 0x519f, 0, 0, 0xb, 0x10, FileFormat.Jpeg2000);
ExampleOfEmbeddedSmartObjectLayerToLinkedConversion("r-embedded-psd.psd", 0xc074, 0, 0, 0xb, 0x10, FileFormat.Psd);
ExampleOfEmbeddedSmartObjectLayerToLinkedConversion("r-embedded-png.psd", 0x207, 0, 0, 0xb, 0x10, FileFormat.Png);

void ExampleOfEmbeddedSmartObjectLayerToLinkedConversion(
    string filePath,
    int contentsLength,
    int left,
    int top,
    int right,
    int bottom,
    FileFormat format)
    // This demonstrates how to convert an embedded smart object layer in the PSD file to external one.
    var formatExt = GetFormatExt(format);
    string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
    string dataDir = "to_linked_output" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
    filePath = filePath;
    string pngOutputPath = dataDir + fileName + "_to_external.png";
    string psdOutputPath = dataDir + fileName + "_to_external.psd";
    string externalPath = dataDir + fileName + "_external." + formatExt;
    using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(filePath))
        var smartObjectLayer = (SmartObjectLayer)image.Layers[0];

        AssertAreEqual(contentsLength, smartObjectLayer.Contents.Length);
        AssertAreEqual(left, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Left);
        AssertAreEqual(top, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Top);
        AssertAreEqual(right, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Right);
        AssertAreEqual(bottom, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Bottom);
        AssertAreEqual(SmartObjectType.AvailableLinked, smartObjectLayer.ContentType);

        // Let's check if the converted image is saved correctly
        image.Save(psdOutputPath, new PsdOptions(image));
        image.Save(pngOutputPath, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

    using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(psdOutputPath))
        var smartObjectLayer = (SmartObjectLayer)image.Layers[0];
        AssertAreEqual(contentsLength, smartObjectLayer.Contents.Length);
        AssertAreEqual(left, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Left);
        AssertAreEqual(top, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Top);
        AssertAreEqual(right, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Right);
        AssertAreEqual(bottom, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Bottom);
        AssertAreEqual(SmartObjectType.AvailableLinked, smartObjectLayer.ContentType);

// This example demonstrates how to embed one external smart object layer or all linked layers in the PSD file using the EmbedLinked method.
ExampleOfLinkedSmartObjectLayerToEmbeddedConversion("rgb8_2x2_linked.psd", 0x53, 0, 0, 2, 2, FileFormat.Png);
ExampleOfLinkedSmartObjectLayerToEmbeddedConversion("rgb8_2x2_linked2.psd", 0x53, 0, 0, 2, 2, FileFormat.Png);
void ExampleOfLinkedSmartObjectLayerToEmbeddedConversion(
    string filePath,
    int contentsLength,
    int left,
    int top,
    int right,
    int bottom,
    FileFormat format)
    string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
    string dataDir = "to_embedded_output" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
    filePath = filePath;
    string pngOutputPath = dataDir + fileName + "_to_embedded.png";
    string psdOutputPath = dataDir + fileName + "_to_embedded.psd";
    using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(filePath))
        var smartObjectLayer0 = (SmartObjectLayer)image.Layers[0];
        AssertAreEqual(contentsLength, smartObjectLayer0.Contents.Length);
        AssertAreEqual(left, smartObjectLayer0.ContentsBounds.Left);
        AssertAreEqual(top, smartObjectLayer0.ContentsBounds.Top);
        AssertAreEqual(right, smartObjectLayer0.ContentsBounds.Right);
        AssertAreEqual(bottom, smartObjectLayer0.ContentsBounds.Bottom);
        if (image.Layers.Length >= 2)
            var smartObjectLayer1 = (SmartObjectLayer)image.Layers[1];
            AssertAreEqual(SmartObjectType.Embedded, smartObjectLayer0.ContentType);
            AssertAreEqual(SmartObjectType.AvailableLinked, smartObjectLayer1.ContentType);

            foreach (Layer layer in image.Layers)
                var smartLayer = layer as SmartObjectLayer;
                if (smartLayer != null)
                    AssertAreEqual(SmartObjectType.Embedded, smartLayer.ContentType);

        // Let's check if the converted image is saved correctly
        image.Save(psdOutputPath, new PsdOptions(image));
        image.Save(pngOutputPath, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

    using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(psdOutputPath))
        var smartObjectLayer = (SmartObjectLayer)image.Layers[0];
        AssertAreEqual(contentsLength, smartObjectLayer.Contents.Length);
        AssertAreEqual(left, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Left);
        AssertAreEqual(top, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Top);
        AssertAreEqual(right, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Right);
        AssertAreEqual(bottom, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Bottom);
        AssertAreEqual(SmartObjectType.Embedded, smartObjectLayer.ContentType);

// This example demonstrates how to change the Adobe® Photoshop® external smart object layer and export / update its contents
// using the ExportContents and ReplaceContents methods.
ExampleOfExternalSmartObjectLayerSupport("rgb8_2x2_linked.psd", 0x53, 0, 0, 2, 2, FileFormat.Png);
ExampleOfExternalSmartObjectLayerSupport("rgb8_2x2_linked2.psd", 0x4aea, 0, 0, 10, 10, FileFormat.Psd);
void ExampleOfExternalSmartObjectLayerSupport(string filePath, int contentsLength, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FileFormat format)
    string formatExt = GetFormatExt(format);
    string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
    string dataDir = "external_support_output" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
    filePath = filePath;
    string pngOutputPath = dataDir + fileName + ".png";
    string psdOutputPath = dataDir + fileName + ".psd";
    string linkOutputPath = dataDir + fileName + "_inverted." + formatExt;
    string png2OutputPath = dataDir + fileName + "_updated.png";
    string psd2OutputPath = dataDir + fileName + "_updated.psd";
    string exportPath = dataDir + fileName + "_export." + formatExt;
    using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(filePath))
        var smartObjectLayer = (SmartObjectLayer)image.Layers[image.Layers.Length - 1];
        AssertAreEqual(left, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Left);
        AssertAreEqual(top, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Top);
        AssertAreEqual(right, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Right);
        AssertAreEqual(bottom, smartObjectLayer.ContentsBounds.Bottom);
        AssertAreEqual(contentsLength, smartObjectLayer.Contents.Length);
        AssertAreEqual(SmartObjectType.AvailableLinked, smartObjectLayer.ContentType);

        // Let's export the linked smart object image from the PSD smart object layer

        // Let's check if the original image isz saved correctly
        image.Save(psdOutputPath, new PsdOptions(image));
        image.Save(pngOutputPath, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

        using (var innerImage = (RasterImage)smartObjectLayer.LoadContents(null))
            AssertAreEqual(format, innerImage.FileFormat);

            // Let's invert the linked smart object image

            // Let's replace the linked smart object image in the PSD layer

        // Let's check if the updated image is saved correctly
        image.Save(psd2OutputPath, new PsdOptions(image));
        image.Save(png2OutputPath, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

// Inverts the image.
void InvertImage(RasterImage innerImage)
    var innerPsdImage = innerImage as PsdImage;
    if (innerPsdImage != null)

// Inverts the raster image.
void InvertRasterImage(RasterImage innerImage)
    var pixels = innerImage.LoadArgb32Pixels(innerImage.Bounds);
    for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
        var pixel = pixels[i];
        var alpha = (int)(pixel & 0xff000000);
        pixels[i] = (~(pixel & 0x00ffffff)) | alpha;

    innerImage.SaveArgb32Pixels(innerImage.Bounds, pixels);

// Gets the format extension.
string GetFormatExt(FileFormat format)
    string formatExt = format == FileFormat.Jpeg2000 ? "jpf" : format.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
    return formatExt;

See Also