Interface ITextStyle

ITextStyle interface

Interface to work with Text Style

public interface ITextStyle


AutoKerning { get; set; }Gets or sets the auto kerning.
AutoLeading { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether [automatic leading].
BaselineShift { get; set; }The baseline shift.
ContextualAlternates { get; set; }The contextual alternates used to connect letters together.
DiscretionaryLigatures { get; set; }The discretionary ligatures used to connect letters, especially in script fonts.
FauxBold { get; set; }Gets or sets the faux bold is enabled.
FauxItalic { get; set; }Gets or sets the faux bold is enabled.
FillColor { get; set; }Gets or sets the color of the fill.
FontBaseline { get; set; }The font baseline.
FontCaps { get; set; }The font caps.
FontIndex { get; }Gets the font index.
FontName { get; set; }Gets or sets the font name.
FontSize { get; set; }Gets or sets the size of the font.
Fractions { get; set; }The fractions symbols can be replaced with special glyph.
HindiNumbers { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether [hindi numbers].
HorizontalScale { get; set; }The horizontal scale.
IsStandardVerticalRomanAlignmentEnabled { get; set; }Gets or sets the standard vertical Roman alignment. This based on BaselineDirection resource value applies only when text orientation is Vertical.
Kerning { get; set; }Gets or sets the kerning.
LanguageIndex { get; }Gets the language index.
Leading { get; set; }Gets or sets the leading.
NoBreak { get; set; }Gets ot sets the no break value.
StandardLigatures { get; set; }The standard contextual ligatures used to connect letters together.
Strikethrough { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether [strikethrough].
StrokeColor { get; set; }Gets or sets the color of the stroke.
Tracking { get; set; }Gets or sets the tracking.
Underline { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether [underline].
VerticalScale { get; set; }The vertical scale.


Apply(ITextStyle)Applies the specified style.
IsEqual(ITextStyle)Determines whether the specified style is equal.


The following example demonstrates how you can render different styles in one text layer in Aspose.PSD


string sourceFile = "text212.psd";
string etalonFile = "Ethalon_text212.psd";
string outputFile = "Output_text212.psd";

using (var img = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
    TextLayer textLayer = (TextLayer)img.Layers[1];
    IText textData = textLayer.TextData;
    ITextStyle defaultStyle = textData.ProducePortion().Style;
    ITextParagraph defaultParagraph = textData.ProducePortion().Paragraph;
    defaultStyle.FillColor = Color.DimGray;
    defaultStyle.FontSize = 51;

    textData.Items[1].Style.Strikethrough = true;

    ITextPortion[] newPortions = textData.ProducePortions(
        new string[]
          "E=mc", "2\r", "Bold", "Italic\r",

    newPortions[0].Style.Underline = true; // edit text style "E=mc"
    newPortions[1].Style.FontBaseline = FontBaseline.Superscript; // edit text style "2\r"
    newPortions[2].Style.FauxBold = true; // edit text style "Bold"
    newPortions[3].Style.FauxItalic = true; // edit text style "Italic\r"
    newPortions[3].Style.BaselineShift = -25; // edit text style "Italic\r"
    newPortions[4].Style.FontCaps = FontCaps.SmallCaps; // edit text style "Lowercasetext"

    foreach (var newPortion in newPortions)


The following code demonstrates how to get font size for any text portion in the text layer.


// Extracted wrong Font size 
string filePath = "直播+电商.psd";

var tolerance = 0.001;
using (var image = Image.Load(filePath))
    int layerIndex = 22;

    // Old API (Using the first paragraph font)
    PsdImage psdImage = image as PsdImage;
    double[] matrix = ((TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[layerIndex]).TransformMatrix;
    double baseFontSize = ((TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[layerIndex]).Font.Size;
    double fontSize = matrix[0] * baseFontSize;

    // Checking the base font size
    if (Math.Abs(100.0 - baseFontSize) > tolerance)
        throw new Exception("Font size was read incorrect");

    // Checking real font size
    if (Math.Abs(88.425 - fontSize) > tolerance)
        throw new Exception("TransformMatrix was read incorrect");

    // New API (One text layer may contain any quantity of font sizes)
    ITextPortion[] portions = ((TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[layerIndex]).TextData.Items;
    ITextStyle style = portions[0].Style;
    double fontSizeOfPortion = matrix[0] * style.FontSize;

    // Checking the base portion font size
    if (Math.Abs(100.0 - style.FontSize) > tolerance)
        throw new Exception("Font size was read incorrect");

    // Checking real portion font size
    if (Math.Abs(88.425 - fontSizeOfPortion) > tolerance)
        throw new Exception("TransformMatrix was read incorrect");

The following code example demonstrates the editing text portions and their text style.


const double Tolerance = 0.0001;
var filePath = "ThreeColorsParagraphs.psd";
var outputPath = "ThreeColorsParagraph_out.psd";
using (var im = (PsdImage)Image.Load(filePath))
    for (int i = 0; i < im.Layers.Length; i++)
        var layer = im.Layers[i] as TextLayer;

        if (layer != null)
            var portions = layer.TextData.Items;

            if (portions.Length != 4)
                throw new Exception();

            // Checking text of every portion
            if (portions[0].Text != "Old " ||
                portions[1].Text != "color" ||
                portions[2].Text != " text\r" ||
                portions[3].Text != "Second paragraph\r")
                throw new Exception();

            // Checking paragraphs data
            // Paragraphs have different justification
            if (
                (int)portions[0].Paragraph.Justification != 0 ||
                (int)portions[1].Paragraph.Justification != 0 ||
                (int)portions[2].Paragraph.Justification != 0 ||
                (int)portions[3].Paragraph.Justification != 2)
                throw new Exception();

            // All other properties of first and second paragraph are equal
            for (int j = 0; j < portions.Length; j++)
                var paragraph = portions[j].Paragraph;

                if (Math.Abs(paragraph.AutoLeading - 1.2) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.AutoHyphenate != false ||
                    paragraph.Burasagari != false ||
                    paragraph.ConsecutiveHyphens != 8 ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.StartIndent) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.EndIndent) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.EveryLineComposer != false ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.FirstLineIndent) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.GlyphSpacing.Length != 3 ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.GlyphSpacing[0] - 1) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.GlyphSpacing[1] - 1) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.GlyphSpacing[2] - 1) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.Hanging != false ||
                    paragraph.HyphenatedWordSize != 6 ||
                    paragraph.KinsokuOrder != 0 ||
                    paragraph.LetterSpacing.Length != 3 ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.LetterSpacing[0]) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.LetterSpacing[1]) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.LetterSpacing[2]) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.LeadingType != LeadingType.BottomToBottom ||
                    paragraph.PreHyphen != 2 ||
                    paragraph.PostHyphen != 2 ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.SpaceBefore) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.SpaceAfter) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.WordSpacing.Length != 3 ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.WordSpacing[0] - 0.8) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.WordSpacing[1] - 1.0) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.WordSpacing[2] - 1.33) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.Zone - 36.0) > Tolerance)
                    throw new Exception();

            // Checking style data
            // Styles have different colors and font size
            if (Math.Abs(portions[0].Style.FontSize - 12) > Tolerance ||
                Math.Abs(portions[1].Style.FontSize - 12) > Tolerance ||
                Math.Abs(portions[2].Style.FontSize - 12) > Tolerance ||
                Math.Abs(portions[3].Style.FontSize - 10) > Tolerance)
                throw new Exception();

            if (portions[0].Style.FillColor != Color.FromArgb(255, 145, 0, 0) ||
                portions[1].Style.FillColor != Color.FromArgb(255, 201, 128, 2) ||
                portions[2].Style.FillColor != Color.FromArgb(255, 18, 143, 4) ||
                portions[3].Style.FillColor != Color.FromArgb(255, 145, 42, 100))
                throw new Exception();

            for (int j = 0; j < portions.Length; j++)
                var style = portions[j].Style;

                if (style.AutoLeading != true ||
                    style.HindiNumbers != false ||
                    style.Kerning != 0 ||
                    style.Leading != 0 ||
                    style.StrokeColor != Color.FromArgb(255, 175, 90, 163) ||
                    style.Tracking != 50)
                    throw new Exception();

            // Example of text editing
            portions[0].Text = "Hello ";
            portions[1].Text = "World";

            // Example of text portions removing

            // Example of adding new text portion
            var createdPortion = layer.TextData.ProducePortion();
            createdPortion.Text = "!!!\r";

            portions = layer.TextData.Items;

            // Example of paragraph and style editing for portions
            // Set right justification
            portions[0].Paragraph.Justification = JustificationMode.Right;
            portions[1].Paragraph.Justification = JustificationMode.Right;
            portions[2].Paragraph.Justification = JustificationMode.Right;

            // Different colors for each style. The will be changed, but rendering is not fully supported
            portions[0].Style.FillColor = Color.Aquamarine;
            portions[1].Style.FillColor = Color.Violet;
            portions[2].Style.FillColor = Color.LightBlue;

            // Different font. The will be changed, but rendering is not fully supported
            portions[0].Style.FontSize = 6;
            portions[1].Style.FontSize = 8;
            portions[2].Style.FontSize = 10;


            im.Save(outputPath, new PsdOptions(im));


See Also