Class PieShape

PieShape class

Represents a pie shape.

public class PieShape : EllipseShape


PieShape()Initializes a new instance of the PieShape class.
PieShape(RectangleF, float, float)Initializes a new instance of the PieShape class.


override Bounds { get; }Gets the object’s bounds.
override Center { get; }Gets the shape’s center.
override HasSegments { get; }Gets a value indicating whether shape has segments.
LeftBottom { get; }Gets the left bottom rectangle point.
LeftTop { get; }Gets the left top rectangle point.
RectangleHeight { get; }Gets the rectangle height.
RectangleWidth { get; }Gets the rectangle width.
RightBottom { get; }Gets the right bottom rectangle point.
RightTop { get; }Gets the right top rectangle point.
override Segments { get; }Gets the shape segments.
StartAngle { get; set; }Gets or sets the start angle.
SweepAngle { get; set; }Gets or sets the sweep angle.


override GetBounds(Matrix)Gets the object’s bounds.
override GetBounds(Matrix, Pen)Gets the object’s bounds.
override Transform(Matrix)Applies the specified transformation to the shape.


This example creates a new Image and draws a variety of shapes using Figures and GraphicsPath on the Image surface


//Create an instance of Image
using (Aspose.PSD.Image image = new Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage(500, 500))
    //Create and initialize an instance of Graphics class
    Aspose.PSD.Graphics graphics = new Aspose.PSD.Graphics(image);

    //Clear Graphics surface

    //Create an instance of GraphicsPath class
    Aspose.PSD.GraphicsPath graphicspath = new Aspose.PSD.GraphicsPath();

    //Create an instance of Figure class
    Aspose.PSD.Figure figure1 = new Aspose.PSD.Figure();

    //Add Shape to Figure object
    figure1.AddShape(new Aspose.PSD.Shapes.EllipseShape(new RectangleF(50, 50, 300, 300)));
    figure1.AddShape(new Aspose.PSD.Shapes.PieShape(new Rectangle(new Point(110, 110), new Size(200, 200)), 0, 90));

    //Create an instance of Figure class
    Aspose.PSD.Figure figure2 = new Aspose.PSD.Figure();

    //Add Shape to Figure object
    figure2.AddShape(new Aspose.PSD.Shapes.ArcShape(new RectangleF(10, 10, 300, 300), 0, 45));
    figure2.AddShape(new Aspose.PSD.Shapes.PolygonShape(new[] { new PointF(150, 10), new PointF(150, 200), new PointF(250, 300), new PointF(350, 400) }, true));
    figure2.AddShape(new Aspose.PSD.Shapes.RectangleShape(new Rectangle(new Point(250, 250), new Size(200, 200))));

    //Add Figure object to GraphicsPath
    graphicspath.AddFigures(new[] { figure1, figure2 });

    //Draw path with Pen object of color Black
    graphics.DrawPath(new Pen(Aspose.PSD.Color.Black, 2), graphicspath);

    // Create export options and initialize them.
    Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.BmpOptions options = new Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.BmpOptions();

    // save all changes.
    image.Save("c:\\temp\\output.bmp", options);

See Also