Class TextShape

TextShape class

Represents a text shape.

public sealed class TextShape : RectangleProjectedShape


TextShape()Initializes a new instance of the TextShape class.
TextShape(string, RectangleF, Font, StringFormat)Initializes a new instance of the TextShape class.


override Bounds { get; }Gets the object’s bounds.
override Center { get; }Gets the shape’s center.
Font { get; set; }Gets or sets the font used to draw the text.
override HasSegments { get; }Gets a value indicating whether shape has segments.
LeftBottom { get; }Gets the left bottom rectangle point.
LeftTop { get; }Gets the left top rectangle point.
RectangleHeight { get; }Gets the rectangle height.
RectangleWidth { get; }Gets the rectangle width.
RightBottom { get; }Gets the right bottom rectangle point.
RightTop { get; }Gets the right top rectangle point.
override Segments { get; }Gets the shape segments.
Text { get; set; }Gets or sets the drawn text.
TextFormat { get; set; }Gets or sets the text format.


override GetBounds(Matrix)Gets the object’s bounds.
override GetBounds(Matrix, Pen)Gets the object’s bounds.
override Transform(Matrix)Applies the specified transformation to the shape.

See Also