Struct CmykColor

CmykColor structure

The CMYK color of pixel.

public struct CmykColor


static Empty { get; }Gets the empty.
C { get; }Gets the cyan component value of this Color structure.
IsEmpty { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this Color structure is uninitialized.
K { get; }Gets the black component value of this Color structure.
M { get; }Gets the magenta component value of this Color structure.
Y { get; }Gets the yellow component value of this Color structure.


static FromParams(int, int, int, int)Creates a CmykColor structure from a 32-bit cyan, magenta, yellow and black values. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective FromComponents.
static ToCmyk(int)The conversion from 32-bit ARGB to CMYKColor. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective ToCmyk.
override Equals(object)Determines whether the specified Object, is equal to this instance.
override GetHashCode()The get hash code.
ToValue()The to value.
static ToArgb32(CmykColor[])The conversion from CMYKColor to 32-bit ARGB Color using icc conversion with default profiles. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective ToArgb32.
static ToCmyk(int[])The conversion from 32-bit ARGB color to CMYKColor. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective ToCmyk.
static ToColor(CmykColor)The conversion from CMYKColor to Color. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective ToArgb.
static ToColor(CmykColor[])The conversion from CMYKColor to Color using icc conversion with default profiles. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective ToArgb.
static ToColorIcc(CmykColor)The conversion from CMYKColor to Color using icc conversion with default profiles. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective ToArgbIcc.
static ToColorIcc(CmykColor[])The conversion from CMYKColor to Color using icc conversion with default profiles. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective ToArgbIcc.
static ToColorIcc(CmykColor, Stream, Stream)The conversion from CMYKColor to Color using icc conversion. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective ToArgbIcc.
static ToColorIcc(CmykColor[], Stream, Stream)The conversion from CMYKColor to Color using icc conversion. This method is deprecated. Please use more effective ToArgbIcc.

See Also