Class Font

Font class

Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes. This class cannot be inherited.

public sealed class Font


Font(Font, FontStyle)Initializes a new Font that uses the specified existing Font and FontStyle enumeration.
Font(string, float)Initializes a new Font using a specified size. The character set is set to Default, the graphics unit to Point, the font style to Regular.
Font(string, float, FontStyle)Initializes a new Font using a specified size and style. The character set is set to Default, the graphics unit to Point.
Font(string, float, GraphicsUnit)Initializes a new Font using a specified size and unit. The character set is set to Default, the style is set to Regular.
Font(string, float, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit)Initializes a new Font using a specified size, style, and unit.
Font(string, float, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, CharacterSet)Initializes a new Font using a specified size, style, unit, and character set.


Bold { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this Font is bold.
CharacterSet { get; }Gets a byte value that specifies the character set that this Font uses.
Italic { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this Font is italic.
Name { get; }Gets the face name of this Font.
Size { get; }Gets the em-size of this Font measured in the units specified by the Unit property.
Strikeout { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this Font specifies a horizontal line through the font.
Style { get; }Gets style information for this Font.
Underline { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this Font is underlined.
Unit { get; }Gets the unit of measure for this Font.


DeepClone()Creates an exact deep copy of this Font.
override Equals(object)Indicates whether the specified object is a Font and has the same property values as this Font.
override GetHashCode()Gets the hash code for this Font.
override ToString()Returns a human-readable string representation of this Font.


This example demonstrates the use of Font and SolidBrush class to draw strings on Image surface. The example creates a new Image and draw shapes using Figures and GraphicsPath


//Creates an instance of Image
using (Aspose.PSD.Image image = new Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage(500, 500))
    //Creates and initialize an instance of Graphics class
    Aspose.PSD.Graphics graphics = new Aspose.PSD.Graphics(image);

    //Clears Graphics surface

    //Creates an instance of Font
    Aspose.PSD.Font font = new Aspose.PSD.Font("Times New Roman", 16);

    //Create an instance of SolidBrush having Red Color
    Aspose.PSD.Brushes.SolidBrush brush = new Aspose.PSD.Brushes.SolidBrush(Color.Red);

    //Draw a String
    graphics.DrawString("Created by Aspose.PSD for .Net", font, brush, new PointF(100, 100));

    // create export options.
    Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.GifOptions options = new Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.GifOptions();

    // save all changes
    image.Save("C:\\temp\\output.gif", options);

See Also