
SetColorMatrices(ColorMatrix, ColorMatrix)

Sets the color-adjustment matrix and the grayscale-adjustment matrix for the default category.

public void SetColorMatrices(ColorMatrix newColorMatrix, ColorMatrix grayMatrix)
newColorMatrixColorMatrixThe color-adjustment matrix.
grayMatrixColorMatrixThe grayscale-adjustment matrix.

See Also

SetColorMatrices(ColorMatrix, ColorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag)

Sets the color-adjustment matrix and the grayscale-adjustment matrix for the default category.

public void SetColorMatrices(ColorMatrix newColorMatrix, ColorMatrix grayMatrix, 
    ColorMatrixFlag flags)
newColorMatrixColorMatrixThe color-adjustment matrix.
grayMatrixColorMatrixThe grayscale-adjustment matrix.
flagsColorMatrixFlagAn element of ColorMatrixFlag that specifies the type of image and color that will be affected by the color-adjustment and grayscale-adjustment matrices.

See Also

SetColorMatrices(ColorMatrix, ColorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag, ColorAdjustType)

Sets the color-adjustment matrix and the grayscale-adjustment matrix for a specified category.

public void SetColorMatrices(ColorMatrix newColorMatrix, ColorMatrix grayMatrix, 
    ColorMatrixFlag mode, ColorAdjustType type)
newColorMatrixColorMatrixThe color-adjustment matrix.
grayMatrixColorMatrixThe grayscale-adjustment matrix.
modeColorMatrixFlagAn element of ColorMatrixFlag that specifies the type of image and color that will be affected by the color-adjustment and grayscale-adjustment matrices.
typeColorAdjustTypeAn element of ColorAdjustType that specifies the category for which the color-adjustment and grayscale-adjustment matrices are set.

See Also