

Gets CMYK color with a specified number of bits per sample.

public static PixelDataFormat GetCmyk(int bitsPerSample)
bitsPerSampleInt32The number of bits per sample.

Return Value

The CMYK color.

See Also

GetCmyk(int, int, int, int)

Gets CMYK color with a specified number of bits per sample.

public static PixelDataFormat GetCmyk(int bitsPerCyanChannel, int bitsPerMagentaChannel, 
    int bitsPerYellowChannel, int bitsPerKeyChannel)
bitsPerCyanChannelInt32The number of bits per Cyan channel.
bitsPerMagentaChannelInt32The number of bits per Magenta channel.
bitsPerYellowChannelInt32The number of bits per Yellow channel.
bitsPerKeyChannelInt32The number of bits per Key channel.

Return Value

The CMYK color.

See Also