
PixelDataFormat.Rgba64Bpp property

Gets the PixelDataFormat defined for 64 bits per pixel with 16 bits for each of the alpha, red, green and blue.

public static PixelDataFormat Rgba64Bpp { get; }

Property Value

The PixelDataFormat defined for 64 bits per pixel with 16 bits for each of the alpha, red, green and blue.


The following code demonstrates the support of RawColor class instead of obsolete Color struct.


void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual, string message = null)
    if (!object.Equals(expected, actual))
        throw new Exception(message ?? "Objects are not equal.");

var color = new RawColor(PixelDataFormat.Rgba32Bpp);
var oldColor = Color.FromArgb(5, 1, 2, 3);

var argbValue = oldColor.ToArgb();

AssertAreEqual("ARGB", color.GetColorModeName());
AssertAreEqual(32, color.GetBitDepth());
AssertAreEqual("A Alpha", color.Components[0].FullName);
AssertAreEqual(5, (int)color.Components[0].Value);
AssertAreEqual("R Red", color.Components[1].FullName);
AssertAreEqual(1, (int)color.Components[1].Value);
AssertAreEqual("G Green", color.Components[2].FullName);
AssertAreEqual(2, (int)color.Components[2].Value);
AssertAreEqual("B Blue", color.Components[3].FullName);
AssertAreEqual(3, (int)color.Components[3].Value);

AssertAreEqual(argbValue, color.GetAsInt());

See Also