JpegExifData Class

Summary: EXIF data container for jpeg files.

Module: aspose.psd.exif

Full Name: aspose.psd.exif.JpegExifData

Inheritance: ExifData

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.9.0


JpegExifData()Initializes a new instance of the JpegExifData class.
JpegExifData(common_tags, exif_tags, gps_tags)Initializes a new instance of the JpegExifData class with data from array.
JpegExifData(exifdata)Initializes a new instance of the JpegExifData class with data from array.


MAX_EXIF_SEGMENT_SIZE [static]intrThe maximum EXIF segment size in bytes allowed.
aperture_valueTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the aperture value.
artiststringr/wGets or sets the artist.
bits_per_sampleushortr/wGets or sets the bits per sample.
body_serial_numberstringr/wGets or sets camera body serial number.
brightness_valueTiffSRationalr/wGets or sets the brightness value.
camera_owner_namestringr/wGets or sets camera owner name
cfa_patternbyter/wGets or sets the CFA pattern.
color_spaceExifColorSpacer/wGets or sets the color space.
common_tagsTiffDataType[]r/wGets or sets tags, which belong to common section. This applies only to jpeg images, in tiff format tiffOptions are being used instead
components_configurationbyter/wGets or sets the components configuration.
compressed_bits_per_pixelTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the compressed bits per pixel.
compressionushortr/wGets or sets the compression.
contrastExifContrastr/wGets or sets the contrast.
copyrightstringr/wGets or sets the copyright.
custom_renderedExifCustomRenderedr/wGets or sets the custom rendered.
date_timestringr/wGets or sets the date time.
date_time_digitizedstringr/wGets or sets the date time digitized.
date_time_originalstringr/wGets or sets the date time original.
device_setting_descriptionbyter/wGets or sets device settings description
digital_zoom_ratioTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the digital zoom ratio.
exif_tagsTiffDataType[]r/wGets or sets tags which belong to EXIF section only.
exif_versionbyter/wGets or sets the EXIF version.
exposure_bias_valueTiffSRationalr/wGets or sets the exposure bias value.
exposure_indexTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the exposure index.
exposure_modeExifExposureModer/wGets or sets the exposure mode.
exposure_programExifExposureProgramr/wGets or sets the exposure program.
exposure_timeTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the exposure time.
f_numberTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the F-number.
file_sourceExifFileSourcer/wGets or sets the file source type.
flashExifFlashr/wGets or sets the flash.
flash_energyTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the flash energy.
flashpix_versionbyter/wGets or sets the flash pix version.
focal_lengthTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the focal length.
focal_length_in_35_mm_filmushortr/wGets or sets the focal length in 35 mm film.
focal_plane_resolution_unitExifUnitr/wGets or sets the focal plane resolution unit.
focal_plane_x_resolutionTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the focal plane x resolution.
focal_plane_y_resolutionTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the focal plane y resolution.
gain_controlExifGainControlr/wGets or sets the degree of overall image gain adjustment.
gammaTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the gamma.
gps_altitudeTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the GPS altitude.
gps_altitude_refExifGPSAltitudeRefr/wGets or sets the GPS altitude used as the reference altitude.
gps_area_informationbyter/wGets or sets the GPS area information.
gps_date_stampstringr/wGets or sets the GPS character string recording date and time information relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
gps_dest_bearingTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the GPS bearing to the destination point.
gps_dest_bearing_refstringr/wGets or sets the GPS reference used for giving the bearing to the destination point.
gps_dest_distanceTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the GPS distance to the destination point.
gps_dest_distance_refstringr/wGets or sets the GPS unit used to express the distance to the destination point.
gps_dest_latitudeTiffRational[]r/wGets or sets the GPS latitude of the destination point.
gps_dest_latitude_refstringr/wGets or sets the GPS value which indicates whether the latitude of the destination point is north or south latitude.
gps_dest_longitudeTiffRational[]r/wGets or sets the GPS longitude of the destination point.
gps_dest_longitude_refstringr/wGets or sets the GPS value which indicates whether the longitude of the destination point is east or west longitude.
gps_differentialushortr/wGets or sets a GPS value which indicates whether differential correction is applied to the GPS receiver.
gps_img_directionTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the GPS direction of the image when it was captured.
gps_img_direction_refstringr/wGets or sets the GPS reference for giving the direction of the image when it is captured.
gps_latitudeTiffRational[]r/wGets or sets the GPS latitude.
gps_latitude_refstringr/wGets or sets the GPS latitude is north or south latitude.
gps_longitudeTiffRational[]r/wGets or sets the GPS longitude.
gps_longitude_refstringr/wGets or sets the GPS longitude is east or west longitude.
gps_map_datumstringr/wGets or sets the GPS geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver.
gps_measure_modestringr/wGets or sets the GPS measurement mode.
gps_processing_methodbyter/wGets or sets the GPS character string recording the name of the method used for location finding.
gps_satellitesstringr/wGets or sets the GPS satellites used for measurements.
gps_speedTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the speed of GPS receiver movement.
gps_speed_refstringr/wGets or sets the unit used to express the GPS receiver speed of movement.
gps_statusstringr/wGets or sets the status of the GPS receiver when the image is recorded.
gps_tagsTiffDataType[]r/wGets or sets tags, which belong to GPS section only.
gps_timestampTiffRational[]r/wGets or sets the GPS time as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
gps_trackstringr/wGets or sets direction of GPS receiver movement.
gps_track_refstringr/wGets or sets the reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movement.
gps_version_idbyter/wGets or sets the GPS version identifier.
gpsdopTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the GPS DOP (data degree of precision).
image_descriptionstringr/wGets or sets the image description.
image_lengthuintr/wGets or sets the image length.
image_unique_idstringr/wGets or sets the image unique identifier.
image_widthuintr/wGets or sets the image width.
is_big_endianboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether the stream EXIF data created from is big endian.
iso_speeduintr/wGets or sets ISO speed
iso_speed_latitude_yyyuintr/wGets or sets the ISO speed latitude yyy value of a camera or input device that is defined in ISO 12232.
iso_speed_latitude_zzzuintr/wGets or sets the ISO speed latitude zzz value of a camera or input device that is defined in ISO 12232.
lens_makestringr/wGets or sets the maker of lens.
lens_modelstringr/wGets or sets the lens model.
lens_serial_numberstringr/wGets or sets the lens serial number.
lens_specificationTiffRational[]r/wGets or sets the lens specification
light_sourceExifLightSourcer/wGets or sets the light source.
makestringr/wGets or sets the manufacturer of the recording equipment.
maker_note_dataTiffDataType[]rGets the maker note data.
maker_note_raw_databyter/wGets or sets the maker note raw data.
max_aperture_valueTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the maximum aperture value.
metering_modeExifMeteringModer/wGets or sets the metering mode.
modelstringr/wGets or sets the model.
oecfbyter/wGets or sets the Opto-Electric Conversion Function (OECF) specified in ISO 14524.
orientationExifOrientationr/wGets or sets the orientation.
photographic_sensitivityuintr/wGets or sets the photographic sensitivity.
photometric_interpretationushortr/wGets or sets the photometric interpretation.
pixel_x_dimensionuintr/wGets or sets the pixel x dimension.
pixel_y_dimensionuintr/wGets or sets the pixel y dimension.
planar_configurationushortr/wGets or sets the planar configuration.
primary_chromaticitiesTiffRational[]r/wGets or sets the chromaticity of the three primary colors of the image.
propertiesTiffDataType[]r/wGets or sets all the EXIF tags (including common and GPS tags).
recommended_exposure_indexuintr/wGets or sets the recommended exposure index.
reference_black_whiteTiffRational[]r/wGets or sets the reference black white.
related_sound_filestringr/wGets or sets the related sound file.
resolution_unitExifUnitr/wGets or sets the resolution unit.
samples_per_pixelushortr/wGets or sets the samples per pixel.
saturationExifSaturationr/wGets or sets the saturation.
scene_capture_typeExifSceneCaptureTyper/wGets or sets the scene capture type.
scene_typebyter/wGets or sets the scene type.
sensing_methodExifSensingMethodr/wGets or sets the sensing method.
sensitivity_typeushortr/wGets or sets the sensitivity type.
sharpnessushortr/wGets or sets the sharpness.
shutter_speed_valueTiffSRationalr/wGets or sets the shutter speed value.
softwarestringr/wGets or sets the software.
spatial_frequency_responsebyter/wGets or sets the spatial frequency response.
spectral_sensitivitystringr/wGets or sets the spectral sensitivity.
standard_output_sensitivityuintr/wGets or sets standard output sensitivity
subject_areaushortr/wGets or sets the subject area.
subject_distanceTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the subject distance.
subject_distance_rangeExifSubjectDistanceRanger/wGets or sets the subject distance range.
subject_locationushortr/wGets or sets the subject location.
subsec_timestringr/wGets or sets the fractions of seconds for the DateTime tag.
subsec_time_digitizedstringr/wGets or sets the fractions of seconds for the DateTimeDigitized tag.
subsec_time_originalstringr/wGets or sets the fractions of seconds for the DateTimeOriginal tag.
thumbnailRasterImager/wGets or sets the thumbnail image.
transfer_functionushortr/wGets or sets the transfer function.
user_commentstringr/wGets or sets the user comment.
white_balanceExifWhiteBalancer/wGets or sets the white balance.
white_pointTiffRational[]r/wGets or sets the chromaticity of the white point of the image.
x_resolutionTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the x resolution.
y_cb_cr_coefficientsTiffRational[]r/wGets or sets the matrix coefficients for transformation from RGB to YCbCr image data.
y_cb_cr_positioningExifYCbCrPositioningr/wGets or sets the position of chrominance components in relation to the luminance component.
y_cb_cr_sub_samplingushortr/wGets or sets the sampling ratio of chrominance components in relation to the luminance component.
y_resolutionTiffRationalr/wGets or sets the y resolution.


remove_tag(tag)Remove tag from container
remove_tag(tag_id)Remove tag from container
serialize_exif_data()Serializes the EXIF data. Writes the tags values and contents. The most influencing size tag is Thumbnail tag contents.

Constructor: JpegExifData()


Initializes a new instance of the JpegExifData class.

Constructor: JpegExifData(common_tags, exif_tags, gps_tags)

 JpegExifData(common_tags, exif_tags, gps_tags) 

Initializes a new instance of the JpegExifData class with data from array.


common_tagsTiffDataType[]The common tags.
exif_tagsTiffDataType[]The EXIF tags.
gps_tagsTiffDataType[]The GPS tags.

Constructor: JpegExifData(exifdata)


Initializes a new instance of the JpegExifData class with data from array.


exifdataTiffDataType[]Array of EXIF tags together with common and GPS tags.

Method: remove_tag(tag)


Remove tag from container


tagExifPropertiesThe tag to remove

Method: remove_tag(tag_id)


Remove tag from container


tag_idushortThe tag identifier to remove.

Method: serialize_exif_data()


Serializes the EXIF data. Writes the tags values and contents. The most influencing size tag is Thumbnail tag contents.


byteThe serialized EXIF data.