BaseGradientFillSettings Class

Summary: Base gradient definition class. It contains common properties for both types of gradient (Solid and Noise).

Module: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.fillsettings

Full Name: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.fillsettings.BaseGradientFillSettings

Inheritance: IFillSettings, IGradientFillSettings, BaseFillSettings

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.9.0


align_with_layerboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether [align with layer].
angledoubler/wGets or sets the angle.
colorColorr/wGets or sets the color.
color_pointsIGradientColorPoint[]r/wGets or sets the color points.
ditherboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether this BaseGradientFillSettings is dither.
fill_typeFillTyperThe fill type.
gradient_modeGradientKindr/wMode for this gradient.
Determines ‘Gradient Type’ = ‘Solid/Noise’ (0/1).
gradient_namestringr/wGets or sets the name of the gradient.
gradient_typeGradientTyper/wGets or sets the type of the gradient.
horizontal_offsetdoubler/wGets or sets the horizontal offset in percentage.
reverseboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether this BaseGradientFillSettings is reverse.
scaleintr/wGets or sets the scale.
transparency_pointsIGradientTransparencyPoint[]r/wGets or sets the transparency points.
vertical_offsetdoubler/wGets or sets the vertical offset in percentage.