WarpStyles Enumeration

Types of support warp styles supported

Module: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.warp

Full Name: aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers.warp.WarpStyles

Aspose.PSD Version: 24.9.0


Member nameDescription
ARCArc style of warp
ARCHArch style of warp
ARC_LOWERLower Arc style of warp
ARC_UPPERUpper Arc style of warp
BULGEBulge style of warp
CUSTOMStyle with arbitrary movement of points
FISHFish style of warp
FLAGFlag style of warp
INFLATEInflate type of warp
NONEIt style is set when the layer without deformation
RISERise style of warp
SQUEEZESqueeze type of warp
TWISTTwist type of warp
WAVEWave style of warp