System::Drawing::Font class

Font class

Represents a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class Font : public System::Object


Clone()Returns a copy of the current font.
Dispose()Releases all operating system resources acquired by the current object.
Equals(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) overrideDetermines if the current and the specified objects are identical.
Font(const SharedPtr<Font>&, FontStyle)Constructs a new instance of Font class that represents the specified existing font with the specified font style.
Font(const SharedPtr<FontFamily>&, float, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, uint8_t, bool)Constructs a new instance of Font class.
Font(const SharedPtr<FontFamily>&, float, GraphicsUnit)Constructs a new instance of Font class.
Font(const String&, float, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, uint8_t, bool)Constructs a new instance of Font class.
Font(const String&, float, GraphicsUnit)Constructs a new instance of Font class.
static FromLogFont(const SharedPtr<Object>&)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
get_Bold()Determines if the font represented by the current object has the bold style applied.
get_FontFamily()Returns the font family of the font represented by the current object.
get_FontStyle()Returns the font style of the font represneted by the current object.
get_GdiCharSet()Returns a value that indicates the GDI character set used by the font represented by the current object.
get_Height()Returns the line spacing of the font represented by the current object in pixels.
get_Italic()Determines if the font represented by the current object has the italic style applied.
get_Name()Returns the face name of the font represented by the current object.
get_OriginalFontName()Returns the originally specified name of the font.
get_Size()Returns the em size of the font represented by the current object measured in the units specified by the Unit property.
get_SizeInPoints()Returns the em size of the font represented by the current object in points.
get_Strikeout()Determines if the font represented by the current object has the strikeout style applied.
get_Style()Returns the font style of the font represented by the current object.
get_Underline()Determines if the font represented by the current object has the underline style applied.
get_Unit()Returns the measurement unit for the font represented by the current object.
GetHeight(const SharedPtr<Graphics>&)Returns the line spacing of the font represented by the current object, in the current unit of a specified Graphics object.
GetHeight(float)Returns the height of the font represented by the current object when drawn to a display device with the specified vertical resolution.

See Also