System::Drawing::Imaging::EncoderParameter class

EncoderParameter class

Serves as a container used to pass values to an image encoder. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class EncoderParameter : public System::Object


EncoderParameter()Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, uint8_t, bool)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, int16_t)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, int64_t)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, int32_t)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, int32_t, int32_t)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class that represents a fraction.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, int64_t, int64_t)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class that represents a range of integer values.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class that represents a range of fractions.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, const String&)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, const ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&, bool)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class that represents an array of values.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, const ArrayPtr<int16_t>&)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class that represents an array of values.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, const ArrayPtr<int64_t>&)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class that represents an array of values.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, const ArrayPtr<int32_t>&, const ArrayPtr<int32_t>&)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class that represents an array of fractions.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, const ArrayPtr<int64_t>&, const ArrayPtr<int64_t>&)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class that represents an array of ranges of integers.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, const ArrayPtr<int32_t>&, const ArrayPtr<int32_t>&, const ArrayPtr<int32_t>&, const ArrayPtr<int32_t>&)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class that represents an array of ranges of fractions.
EncoderParameter(const SharedPtr<Encoder>&, int, EncoderParameterValueType, void *)Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameter class that represents the specified number of values of the specified type which are read from the specified buffer.
get_Encoder() constReturns the Encoder object associated with the current EncoderParameter object.
get_NumberOfValues() constReturns the number of value represented by the current object.
get_Type() constReturns the type of the value(s) represented by the current object.
set_Encoder(const EncoderPtr&)Associates the specified Encoder object with the current EncoderParameter object.

See Also