System::Func class

Func class

Function delegate. This type should be allocated on stack and passed to functions by value or by reference. Never use System::SmartPtr class to manage objects of this type.

template<typename...>class Func : public System::MulticastDelegate<::System::Detail::FuncArgsReorderer<void(), Args...>::type>
ArgsCall arguments, then mandatory return type.


Func()Default constructor that creates null-Func.
Func(T&&)Constructor that constructs Func object and assigns value (either actual callback or nullptr) to it.
Func(const Func&)Copy constructor.
Func(Func&&)Move constructor.
operator=(const Func&)Copy assignment.
operator=(Func&&)Move assignment.


#include "system/func.h"
#include <iostream>

// This function accepts an instance of the System::Func delegate as a parameter.
void Print(int x, const System::Func<int, int> &func)
  std::cout << func(x) << std::endl;

int main()
  // Create an instance of the System::Func delegate.
  auto func = static_cast<System::Func<int, int>>([](int x) -> int
    return x * x;

  // Pass the created instance as a function argument.
  Print(1, func);
  Print(2, func);
  Print(3, func);

  return 0;
This code example produces the following output:

See Also