System::Web::Services::Protocols::SoapMessage class

SoapMessage class

Represent the SOAP message. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class SoapMessage : public System::Object


CollectHeaders(System::SharedPtr<Object>, System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<SoapHeaderMapping>>, SoapHeaderDirection)Sets the internal collection of the SOAP headers.
FindHeader(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<SoapHeaderMapping>>, const TypeInfo&)Find the header mapping by specified header type.
virtual get_Action()Returns a value of the ‘SOAPAction’ attribute.
get_ContentEncoding()Gets a value of the ‘Content-Encoding’ header.
get_ContentType()Gets a value of the ‘Content-Type’ header.
get_Exception()Gets the exception that is thrown by the XML Web service method.
get_Headers()Returns the collection of the SOAP headers.
get_InParameters()Gets the parameters that are passed into the XML Web service method.
get_IsSoap12()Returns a value that indicates if SOAP version 1.2 is used.
get_OutParameters()Gets the output parameters passed into the XML Web service method.
virtual get_SoapVersion()Returns the SOAP version that is used.
get_Stage()Gets the processing stage of a SOAP message.
get_Stream()Gets the stream that contains the SOAP message data.
virtual get_Url()Returns the XML Web service URL.
GetInParameterValue(int32_t)Gets the input parameter value at the specified index.
GetOutParameterValue(int32_t)Gets the output parameter value at the specified index.
GetReturnValue()Gets the return value of the XML Web service method.
set_ContentEncoding(String)Sets a value of the ‘Content-Encoding’ header.
set_ContentType(String)Sets a value of the ‘Content-Type’ header.
set_InParameters(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Object>>)Sets the parameters that are passed into the XML Web service method.
set_InternalStream(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>)Sets the stream that contains the SOAP message data.
set_OutParameters(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Object>>)Sets the output parameters passed into the XML Web service method.
SetException(SoapException)Sets the exception that is thrown by the XML Web service method.
SetHeaders(System::SharedPtr<SoapHeaderCollection>)Sets the collection of the SOAP headers.
SetStage(SoapMessageStage)Sets the processing stage of the SOAP message.
SetStream(System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>)Sets the stream that contains the SOAP message data.
SoapMessage()Constructs a new instance.
UpdateHeaderValues(System::SharedPtr<Object>, System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<SoapHeaderMapping>>)Updates the internal collection of the SOAP headers.

See Also