System::Drawing::Imaging::EmfPlusRecordType enum

EmfPlusRecordType enum

Represents the methods that can be used with a metafile to read and write graphic commands.

enum class EmfPlusRecordType


EmfHeader1Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfMin1Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyBezier2Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolygon3Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyline4Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyBezierTo5Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyLineTo6Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyPolyline7Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyPolygon8Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetWindowExtEx9Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetWindowOrgEx10Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetViewportExtEx11Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetViewportOrgEx12Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetBrushOrgEx13Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfEof14Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetPixelV15Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetMapperFlags16Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetMapMode17Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetBkMode18Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetPolyFillMode19Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetROP220Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetStretchBltMode21Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetTextAlign22Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetColorAdjustment23Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetTextColor24Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetBkColor25Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfOffsetClipRgn26Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfMoveToEx27Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetMetaRgn28Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExcludeClipRect29Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfIntersectClipRect30Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfScaleViewportExtEx31Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfScaleWindowExtEx32Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSaveDC33Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfRestoreDC34Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetWorldTransform35Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfModifyWorldTransform36Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSelectObject37Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreatePen38Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreateBrushIndirect39Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfDeleteObject40Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfAngleArc41Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfEllipse42Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfRectangle43Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfRoundRect44Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfRoundArc45Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfChord46Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPie47Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSelectPalette48Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreatePalette49Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetPaletteEntries50Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfResizePalette51Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfRealizePalette52Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtFloodFill53Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfLineTo54Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfArcTo55Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyDraw56Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetArcDirection57Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetMiterLimit58Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfBeginPath59Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfEndPath60Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCloseFigure61Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfFillPath62Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfStrokeAndFillPath63Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfStrokePath64Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfFlattenPath65Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfWidenPath66Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSelectClipPath67Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfAbortPath68Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfReserved06969Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfGdiComment70Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfFillRgn71Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfFrameRgn72Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfInvertRgn73Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPaintRgn74Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtSelectClipRgn75Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfBitBlt76Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfStretchBlt77Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfMaskBlt78Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPlgBlt79Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetDIBitsToDevice80Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfStretchDIBits81Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtCreateFontIndirect82Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtTextOutA83Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtTextOutW84Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyBezier1685Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolygon1686Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyline1687Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyBezierTo1688Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolylineTo1689Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyPolyline1690Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyPolygon1691Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyDraw1692Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreateMonoBrush93Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreateDibPatternBrushPt94Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtCreatePen95Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyTextOutA96Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPolyTextOutW97Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetIcmMode98Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreateColorSpace99Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetColorSpace100Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfDeleteColorSpace101Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfGlsRecord102Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfGlsBoundedRecord103Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPixelFormat104Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfDrawEscape105Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfExtEscape106Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfStartDoc107Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSmallTextOut108Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfForceUfiMapping109Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfNamedEscpae110Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfColorCorrectPalette111Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetIcmProfileA112Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetIcmProfileW113Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfAlphaBlend114Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetLayout115Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfTransparentBlt116Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfReserved117117Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfGradientFill118Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetLinkedUfis119Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfSetTextJustification120Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfColorMatchToTargetW121Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfCreateColorSpaceW122Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfMax122Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
EmfPlusRecordBase16384Refer to “Enhanced-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
Invalid16384Invalid data.
Header16385Identifies a record that is the EMF+ header.
Min16385The minimum value for this enumeration.
EndOfFile16386Identifies a record that marks the last EMF+ record of a metafile.
Comment16387Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::AddMetafileComment(System::Byte[]).
GetDC16388Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::GetHdc.
MultiFormatStart16389Marks the start of a multiple-format section.
MultiFormatSection16390Marks a multiple-format section.
MultiFormatEnd16391Marks the end of a multiple-format section.
Object16392Marks an object.
Clear16393Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::Clear(System::Drawing::Color).
FillRects16394Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::FillRectangles methods.
DrawRects16395Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawRectangles methods.
FillPolygon16396Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::FillPolygon methods.
DrawLines16397Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawLines methods.
FillEllipse16398Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::FillEllipse methods.
DrawEllipse16399Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawEllipse methods.
FillPie16400Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::FillPie methods.
DrawPie16401Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawPie methods.
DrawArc16402Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawArc methods.
FillRegion16403Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::FillRegion(System::Drawing::Brush,System::Drawing::Region).
FillPath16404Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::FillPath(System::Drawing::Brush,System::Drawing::Drawing2D::GraphicsPath).
DrawPath16405Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawPath(System::Drawing::Pen,System::Drawing::Drawing2D::GraphicsPath).
FillClosedCurve16406Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::FillClosedCurve methods.
DrawClosedCurve16407Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawClosedCurve methods.
DrawCurve16408Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawCurve methods.
DrawBeziers16409Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawBeziers methods.
DrawImage16410Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawImage methods.
DrawImagePoints16411Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawImage methods.
DrawString16412Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::DrawString methods.
SetRenderingOrigin16413Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::RenderingOrigin.
SetAntiAliasMode16414Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::SmoothingMode.
SetTextRenderingHint16415Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::TextRenderingHint.
SetTextContrast16416Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::TextContrast.
SetInterpolationMode16417Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::InterpolationMode.
SetPixelOffsetMode16418Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::PixelOffsetMode.
SetCompositingMode16419Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::CompositingMode.
SetCompositingQuality16420Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::CompositingQuality.
Save16421Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::Save.
Restore16422Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::Restore(System::Drawing::Drawing2D::GraphicsState).
BeginContainer16423Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::BeginContainer methods.
BeginContainerNoParams16424Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::BeginContainer methods.
EndContainer16425Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::EndContainer(System::Drawing::Drawing2D::GraphicsContainer).
SetWorldTransform16426Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::TransformPoints methods.
ResetWorldTransform16427Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::ResetTransform.
MultiplyWorldTransform16428Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::MultiplyTransform methods.
TranslateWorldTransform16429Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::TransformPoints methods.
ScaleWorldTransform16430Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::ScaleTransform methods.
RotateWorldTransform16431Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::RotateTransform methods.
SetPageTransform16432Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::TransformPoints methods.
ResetClip16433Refer to System::Drawing::Graphics::ResetClip.
SetClipRect16434Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::SetClip methods.
SetClipPath16435Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::SetClip methods.
SetClipRegion16436Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::SetClip methods.
OffsetClip16437Refer to Overload:System::Drawing::Graphics::TranslateClip methods.
DrawDriverString16438Specifies a character string, a location, and formatting information.
Max16438The maximum value for this enumeration.
Total16439Used internally.
WmfRecordBase65536Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSaveDC65566Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfRealizePalette65589Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetPalEntries65591Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreatePalette65783Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetBkMode65794Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetMapMode65795Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetROP265796Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetRelAbs65797Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetPolyFillMode65798Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetStretchBltMode65799Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetTextCharExtra65800Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfRestoreDC65831Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfInvertRegion65834Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPaintRegion65835Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSelectClipRegion65836Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSelectObject65837Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetTextAlign65838Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfResizePalette65849Increases or decreases the size of a logical palette based on the specified value.
WmfDibCreatePatternBrush65858Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetLayout65865Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfDeleteObject66032Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreatePatternBrush66041Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetBkColor66049Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetTextColor66057Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetTextJustification66058Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetWindowOrg66059Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetWindowExt66060Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetViewportOrg66061Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetViewportExt66062Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfOffsetWindowOrg66063Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfOffsetViewportOrg66065Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfLineTo66067Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfMoveTo66068Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfOffsetCilpRgn66080Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfFillRegion66088Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetMapperFlags66097Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSelectPalette66100Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreatePenIndirect66298Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreateFontIndirect66299Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreateBrushIndirect66300Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPolygon66340Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPolyline66341Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfScaleWindowExt66576Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfScaleViewportExt66578Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfExcludeClipRect66581Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfIntersectClipRect66582Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfEllipse66584Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfFloodFill66585Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfRectangle66587Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetPixel66591Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfFrameRegion66601Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfAnimatePalette66614Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfTextOut66849Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPolyPolygon66872Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfExtFloodFill66888Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfRoundRect67100Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPatBlt67101Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfEscape67110Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfCreateRegion67327Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfArc67607Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfPie67610Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfChord67632Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfBitBlt67874Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfDibBitBlt67904Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfExtTextOut68146Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfStretchBlt68387Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfDibStretchBlt68417Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfSetDibToDev68915Refer to “Windows-Format Metafiles” in the GDI section of the MSDN Library.
WmfStretchDib69443Copies the color data for a rectangle of pixels in a DIB to the specified destination rectangle.

See Also