System::Net::FileWebRequest class

FileWebRequest class

Provides implementation of the WebRequest abstract class to work with the file system. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class FileWebRequest : public System::Net::WebRequest


Abort() overrideAborts the current request.
BeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>) overrideInitiates an asynchronous operation to get a stream for writing data to the resource.
BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>) overrideInitiates an asynchronous request for the resource.
EndGetRequestStream(System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult>) overrideWaits until the specified asynchronous operation to get a stream completes.
EndGetResponse(System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult>) overrideWaits until the specified asynchronous request for the resource completes.
FileWebRequest(System::SharedPtr<Uri>)Constructs a new instance.
get_ContentType() overrideGets the MIME type of the request.
get_Headers() overrideGets the collection of the HTTP headers.
get_Method() overrideGets the HTTP method.
get_RequestUri() overrideReturns the request URI.
GetResponse() overrideReturns the web response associated with the current web request.
set_ContentType(String) overrideSets the MIME type of the request.
set_Headers(System::SharedPtr<WebHeaderCollection>) overrideSets the collection of the HTTP headers.
set_Method(String) overrideSets the HTTP method.
set_Timeout(int) overrideRTTI information.

See Also