System::Text::RegularExpressions::RegexOptions enum

RegexOptions enum

Regex options.

enum class RegexOptions


None0Default behavior.
Compiled1Compile regex for performance. Always done by default.
CultureInvariant2Use culture-invariant matching. Ignored.
ECMAScript4Use ECMAScript syntax. Ignored.
ExplicitCapture8Explicit capturing only. Ignored.
IgnoreCase16Ignore case when matching.
IgnorePatternWhitespace32Ignore whitespaces in pattern. Unsupported.
Multiline64Treat ‘^’ and ‘$’ as beginning and end of line, not whole string.
RightToLeft128Right-to-left matching. Unsupported.
Singleline256Makes ‘.’ match any character without exceptions (normally, newline characters are not matched).

See Also