System::Web::Services::Soap12::Code class

Code class

Contains the names of the codes of SOAP version 1.2.

class Code


Code()The default constructor is deleted.


static DataEncodingUnknownThe string representation of the ‘DataEncodingUnknown’ SOAP version 1.2 code.
static EncodingMissingIDFaultSubcodeThe string representation of the ‘MissingID’ SOAP version 1.2 code.
static EncodingUntypedValueFaultSubcodeThe string representation of the ‘UntypedValue’ SOAP version 1.2 code.
static MustUnderstandThe string representation of the ‘MustUnderstand’ SOAP version 1.2 code.
static ReceiverThe string representation of the ‘Receiver’ SOAP version 1.2 code.
static RpcBadArgumentsSubcodeThe string representation of the ‘BadArguments’ SOAP version 1.2 code.
static RpcProcedureNotPresentSubcodeThe string representation of the ‘ProcedureNotPresent’ SOAP version 1.2 code.
static SenderThe string representation of the ‘Sender’ SOAP version 1.2 code.
static VersionMismatchThe string representation of the ‘VersionMismatch’ SOAP version 1.2 code.

See Also