System::Web::Services::Soap12::Element class

Element class

Contains the names of the elements of SOAP version 1.2.

class Element


Element()The default constructor is deleted.


static FaultCodeThe string representation of the ‘Code’ element name.
static FaultCodeValueThe string representation of the ‘Value’ element name.
static FaultDetailThe string representation of the ‘Detail’ element name.
static FaultNodeThe string representation of the ‘Node’ element name.
static FaultReasonThe string representation of the ‘Reason’ element name.
static FaultReasonTextThe string representation of the ‘Text’ element name.
static FaultRoleThe string representation of the ‘Role’ element name.
static FaultSubcodeThe string representation of the ‘Subcode’ element name.
static UpgradeThe string representation of the ‘Upgrade’ element name.
static UpgradeEnvelopeThe string representation of the ‘SupportedEnvelope’ element name.

See Also