System::Xml::XmlNode::get_LocalName method
]XmlNode::get_LocalName method
Returns the local name of the node, when overridden in a derived class.
virtual String System::Xml::XmlNode::get_LocalName()=0
The name of the node with the prefix removed. For example, LocalName is book for the element bk:book.
The name returned is dependent on the XmlNode::get_NodeType of the node: | |
Type | Name |
Attribute | The local name of the attribute. |
CDATA | #cdata-section |
Comment | #comment |
Document | #document |
DocumentFragment | #document-fragment |
DocumentType | The document type name. |
Element | The local name of the element. |
Entity | The name of the entity. |
EntityReference | The name of the entity referenced. |
Notation | The notation name. |
ProcessingInstruction | The target of the processing instruction. |
Text | #text |
Whitespace | #whitespace |
SignificantWhitespace | #significant-whitespace |
XmlDeclaration | #xml-declaration |
See Also
- Class String
- Class XmlNode
- Namespace System::Xml
- Library Aspose.PUB for C++