
The Aspose.Pub namespace provides classes describing PUB objects.


BaseStyleDeclares base functionality for PUB styles
BuildVersionInfoThis class provides information about current product build.
DocSummaryInfoDocument summary info
DocumentRepresents PUB document, holds all fields and relevant values
FolderFontSourceRepresents the folder that contains font files.
FontSourceRepresents a base class for font source.
FontSubstitutionRepresents a class for a font substitution strategy based on font name.
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
MetaInfoBase class for summary info objects
MeteredProvides methods to set metered key.
ParagraphStyleThis class describes style of PUB paragraph
PubFactoryFactory for PUB objects
PubToPdfConversionOptionsOptions for export to PDF format
SummaryInfoSummary info
TextGroupText group
TextParagraphRepresents PUB text paragraph
TextStyleDescribes PUB text style


IPdfConverterDeclares functionality to convert PUB document into PDF document
IPubConverterDeclares functionality to convert PUB document into format specified
IPubParserDeclares functionality which parses publisher file and returns Document object as result of parsing.


AlignmentTypeType of alignment
LineSpacingTypeType of line spacing
PubExportFormatsSpecifies format to export Publisher document
SuperscriptTypeType of superscript
UnderlineTypeUnderline type