BaseOverrideThemeManager | Base class for classes that provide access to different types of overriden themes. |
BaseThemeManager | Base class for classes that provide access to different types of themes. |
ChartThemeManager | Provides access to chart theme overriden. |
ColorScheme | Stores theme-defined colors. |
EffectStyle | Represents an effect style. |
EffectStyleCollection | Represents a collection of effect styles. |
ExtraColorScheme | Represents an additional color scheme which can be assigned to a slide. |
ExtraColorSchemeCollection | Represents a collection of additional color schemes. |
FillFormatCollection | Represents the collection of fill styles. |
FontScheme | Stores theme-defined fonts. |
FormatScheme | Stores theme-defined formats for the shapes. |
IColorScheme | Stores theme-defined colors. |
IColorSchemeEffectiveData | Immutable object which contains effective color scheme properties. |
IEffectStyle | Represents an effect style. |
IEffectStyleCollection | Represents a collection of effect styles. |
IEffectStyleCollectionEffectiveData | Immutable object that represents a readonly collection of effective effect styles. |
IEffectStyleEffectiveData | Immutable object which contains effective effect style properties. |
IExtraColorScheme | Represents an additional color scheme which can be assigned to a slide. |
IExtraColorSchemeCollection | Represents a collection of additional color schemes. |
IFillFormatCollection | Represents the collection of fill styles. |
IFillFormatCollectionEffectiveData | Immutable object that represents a readonly collection of effective fill formats. |
IFontScheme | Stores theme-defined fonts. |
IFontSchemeEffectiveData | Immutable object which contains effective font scheme properties. |
IFormatScheme | Stores theme-defined formats for the shapes. |
IFormatSchemeEffectiveData | Immutable object which contains effective format scheme properties. |
ILineFormatCollection | Represents the collection of line styles. |
ILineFormatCollectionEffectiveData | Immutable object that represents a readonly collection of effective line formats. |
IMasterTheme | Represents a master theme. |
IMasterThemeable | Represent master theme manager. |
IMasterThemeManager | Provides access to presentation master theme. |
IOverrideTheme | Represents a overriding theme. |
IOverrideThemeable | Represents override theme manager. |
IOverrideThemeManager | Provides access to different types of overriden themes. |
ITheme | Represents a theme. |
IThemeable | Represents objects that can be themed with ITheme. |
IThemeEffectiveData | Immutable object which contains effective theme properties. |
IThemeManager | Represent theme properties. |
LayoutSlideThemeManager | Provides access to layout slide theme overriden. |
LineFormatCollection | Represents the collection of line styles. |
MasterTheme | Represents a master theme. |
MasterThemeManager | Provides access to presentation master theme. |
NotesSlideThemeManager | Provides access to notes slide theme overriden. |
OverrideTheme | Represents a overriding theme. |
SlideThemeManager | Provides access to slide theme overriden. |
Theme | Represents a theme. |