

BaseOverrideThemeManagerBase class for classes that provide access to different types of overriden themes.
BaseThemeManagerBase class for classes that provide access to different types of themes.
ChartThemeManagerProvides access to chart theme overriden.
ColorSchemeStores theme-defined colors.
EffectStyleRepresents an effect style.
EffectStyleCollectionRepresents a collection of effect styles.
ExtraColorSchemeRepresents an additional color scheme which can be assigned to a slide.
ExtraColorSchemeCollectionRepresents a collection of additional color schemes.
FillFormatCollectionRepresents the collection of fill styles.
FontSchemeStores theme-defined fonts.
FormatSchemeStores theme-defined formats for the shapes.
IColorSchemeStores theme-defined colors.
IColorSchemeEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective color scheme properties.
IEffectStyleRepresents an effect style.
IEffectStyleCollectionRepresents a collection of effect styles.
IEffectStyleCollectionEffectiveDataImmutable object that represents a readonly collection of effective effect styles.
IEffectStyleEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective effect style properties.
IExtraColorSchemeRepresents an additional color scheme which can be assigned to a slide.
IExtraColorSchemeCollectionRepresents a collection of additional color schemes.
IFillFormatCollectionRepresents the collection of fill styles.
IFillFormatCollectionEffectiveDataImmutable object that represents a readonly collection of effective fill formats.
IFontSchemeStores theme-defined fonts.
IFontSchemeEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective font scheme properties.
IFormatSchemeStores theme-defined formats for the shapes.
IFormatSchemeEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective format scheme properties.
ILineFormatCollectionRepresents the collection of line styles.
ILineFormatCollectionEffectiveDataImmutable object that represents a readonly collection of effective line formats.
IMasterThemeRepresents a master theme.
IMasterThemeableRepresent master theme manager.
IMasterThemeManagerProvides access to presentation master theme.
IOverrideThemeRepresents a overriding theme.
IOverrideThemeableRepresents override theme manager.
IOverrideThemeManagerProvides access to different types of overriden themes.
IThemeRepresents a theme.
IThemeableRepresents objects that can be themed with ITheme.
IThemeEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective theme properties.
IThemeManagerRepresent theme properties.
LayoutSlideThemeManagerProvides access to layout slide theme overriden.
LineFormatCollectionRepresents the collection of line styles.
MasterThemeRepresents a master theme.
MasterThemeManagerProvides access to presentation master theme.
NotesSlideThemeManagerProvides access to notes slide theme overriden.
OverrideThemeRepresents a overriding theme.
SlideThemeManagerProvides access to slide theme overriden.
ThemeRepresents a theme.