
Graphics::FillPolygon(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, Drawing2D::FillMode) method

Fills the interiors of the specified polygon using the specified brush.

void System::Drawing::Graphics::FillPolygon(const SharedPtr<Brush> &brush, const ArrayPtr<Point> &points, Drawing2D::FillMode fillMode=Drawing2D::FillMode::Alternate)


brushconst SharedPtr<Brush>&A Brush object that specifies the parameters of the fill
pointsconst ArrayPtr<Point>&An array containing the points that define the polygon
fillModeDrawing2D::FillModeThe fill mode

Graphics::FillPolygon(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, Drawing2D::FillMode) method

Fills the interiors of the specified polygon using the specified brush.

void System::Drawing::Graphics::FillPolygon(const SharedPtr<Brush> &brush, const ArrayPtr<PointF> &points, Drawing2D::FillMode fillMode=Drawing2D::FillMode::Alternate)


brushconst SharedPtr<Brush>&A Brush object that specifies the parameters of the fill
pointsconst ArrayPtr<PointF>&An array containing the points that define the polygon
fillModeDrawing2D::FillModeThe fill mode

See Also