
BindingFlags enum

Degines members and types lookup modes and bindings.

enum class BindingFlags


Default0No special options.
IgnoreCase1Ignore case of name when looking for item.
DeclaredOnly2Only look for members declared in type and not in basetypes.
Instance4Look through instance members.
Static8Look through static members.
Public16Look through public members.
NonPublic32Look through non-public members.
FlattenHierarchy64Look through basetype public and protected static members.
InvokeMethod256Invokes method.
CreateInstance512Creates reflected type instance.
GetField1024Gets field value.
SetField2048Sets field value.
GetProperty4096Gets property value.
SetProperty8192Sets property value.
PutDispProperty16384Puts COM property.
PutRefDispProperty32768Puts COM reference property.
ExactBinding65536Type binding must be exact, without any type changes.
SuppressChangeType131072Not supported.
OptionalParamBinding262144Selects overload based on arguments count.
IgnoreReturn16777216Ignores COM interop return value.

See Also