
FieldAttributes enum

Reflected field attributes.

enum class FieldAttributes


FieldAccessMask7Member access mask. Use this mask to retrieve accessibility information.
PrivateScope0Non-referancable members.
Private1Private members.
FamANDAssem2Private and assembly-scoped members.
Assembly3Assembly-scoped members.
Family4Members accessible by type and subtypes.
FamORAssem5Members accessible by type, sub-types and assembly.
Public6Members accessible by anyone.
Static16Static members as opposite to instance members.
InitOnly32Const members that can only be initialized but not changed.
Literal64Compile time constant members.
NotSerialized128Not serialized members.
SpecialName512Special field of one of the below names.
PinvokeImpl8192Interop forwarded implementation.
ReservedMask38144Reserved flags for runtime use only.
RTSpecialName1024Runtim eshould check name encoding.
HasFieldMarshal4096Marshalling information is present.
HasDefault32768Default value is present.
HasFieldRVA256RVA is present.

See Also