
XmlKnownDtds enum

The Resolvers::XmlKnownDtds enumeration is used by the Resolvers::XmlPreloadedResolver and defines which well-known DTDs that the Resolvers::XmlPreloadedResolver recognizes.

enum class XmlKnownDtds


None0Specifies that the Resolvers::XmlPreloadedResolver will not recognize any of the predefined DTDs.
Xhtml101Specifies that the Resolvers::XmlPreloadedResolver will recognize DTDs and entities that are defined in XHTML 1.0.
Rss0912Specifies that the Resolvers::XmlPreloadedResolver will recognize DTDs and entities that are defined in RSS 0.91.
All65535Specifies that the Resolvers::XmlPreloadedResolver will recognize all currently supported DTDs. This is the default behavior.

See Also