
XmlNamedNodeMap::GetNamedItem(String) method

Retrieves an XmlNode specified by name.

virtual SharedPtr<XmlNode> System::Xml::XmlNamedNodeMap::GetNamedItem(String name)


nameStringThe qualified name of the node to retrieve. It is matched against the XmlNode::get_Name value of the matching node.

Return Value

An XmlNode with the specified name or nullptr if a matching node is not found.

XmlNamedNodeMap::GetNamedItem(String, String) method

Retrieves a node with the matching XmlNode::get_LocalName and XmlNode::get_NamespaceURI values.

virtual SharedPtr<XmlNode> System::Xml::XmlNamedNodeMap::GetNamedItem(String localName, String namespaceURI)


localNameStringThe local name of the node to retrieve.
namespaceURIStringThe namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the node to retrieve.

Return Value

An XmlNode with the matching local name and namespace URI or nullptr if a matching node was not found.

See Also