
XmlNodeChangedEventArgs::XmlNodeChangedEventArgs(const SharedPtr<XmlNode>&, const SharedPtr<XmlNode>&, const SharedPtr<XmlNode>&, const String&, const String&, XmlNodeChangedAction) constructor

Initializes a new instance of the XmlNodeChangedEventArgs class.

System::Xml::XmlNodeChangedEventArgs::XmlNodeChangedEventArgs(const SharedPtr<XmlNode> &node, const SharedPtr<XmlNode> &oldParent, const SharedPtr<XmlNode> &newParent, const String &oldValue, const String &newValue, XmlNodeChangedAction action)


nodeconst SharedPtr<XmlNode>&The XmlNode that generated the event.
oldParentconst SharedPtr<XmlNode>&The old parent XmlNode of the XmlNode that generated the event.
newParentconst SharedPtr<XmlNode>&The new parent XmlNode of the XmlNode that generated the event.
oldValueconst String&The old value of the XmlNode that generated the event.
newValueconst String&The new value of the XmlNode that generated the event.
actionXmlNodeChangedActionThe XmlNodeChangedAction.

See Also