
Environment struct

Environment services. This is a static type with no instance services. You should never create instances of it by any means.

class Environment


static void Exit(int)Terminates the current process and returns the specified exit code to the operating system.
static String ExpandEnvironmentVariables(const String&)Replaces the names of environment variables found in the specified string with the values of those variables and returns the resulting string.
static void FailFast(const String&)Aborts the current process.
static String get_CommandLine()Returns the command line used to start the current process.
static String get_CurrentDirectory()Returns the path to the current working directory.
static int get_ExitCode()Returns the exit code for the current process.
static bool get_HasShutdownStarted()Checks if shutdown is in progress. Not implemented.
static bool get_Is64BitProcess()Returns true for 64-bit platform executables/libs.
static String get_MachineName()Returns the NetBIOS name of this computer.
static String get_NewLine()Returns the newline string set for the current environment.
static const OperatingSystem& get_OSVersion()Returns the OperatingSystem object that contains information about the current operating system.
static int get_ProcessorCount()Returns the number of processors or the current machine.
static String get_StackTrace()Returns the string that contains the current stack trace inofrmation.
static String get_SystemDirectory()Returns the path to the system directory.
static int get_TickCount()Returns the number of milliseconds passed since the system started.
static String get_UserDomainName()Returns the network domain name of the current user.
static bool get_UserInteractive()Determines whether the current process is running in user interactive mode.
static String get_UserName()Returns the name of the user currently logged on to the Windows OS.
static Version get_Version()Returns the Version object that represents the information about the version of the common language runtime. The version number returned by this method is rather dummy and does not mean that all library classes behave in accordance with the returned version.
static int64_t get_WorkingSet()Returns the amount of physical memory mapped to the process context.
static ArrayPtr<String> GetCommandLineArgs()Returns an array containing the command-line arguments used to start the current process.
static String GetEnvironmentVariable(const String&)Returns the value of the specified environment varibale associated with the current process.
static String GetEnvironmentVariable(const String&, EnvironmentVariableTarget)Returns the value of the specified environment varibale from the specified location.
static String GetEnvironmentVariableA(const String&)Returns the value of the specified environment varibale associated with the current process.
static Collections::Generic::DictionaryPtr<String, String> GetEnvironmentVariables()Returns a dictionary containing all environment variables names and their values associated with the current process.
static Collections::Generic::DictionaryPtr<String, String> GetEnvironmentVariables(EnvironmentVariableTarget)Returns a dictionary containing all environment variables’ names and their values from the specified location.
static String GetEnvironmentVariableW(const String&)Returns the value of the specified environment varibale associated with the current process.
static String GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder)Returns fully qualified path to the specified system folder.
static ArrayPtr<String> GetLogicalDrives()Returns an array containing the names of all logical drives on the current computer.
static bool IsWindowsSubsystemForLinux()Returns true only for WSL.
static void set_CurrentDirectory(const String&)Sets the specified directory as the current working directory.
static void set_ExitCode(int)Sets the specified value as exit code for the current process.
static void SetEnvironmentVariable(const String&, const String&)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
static void SetEnvironmentVariable(const String&, const String&, EnvironmentVariableTarget)NOT IMPLEMENTED.


SpecialFolderRepresents system special folders.

See Also