
Nullable::Nullable() constructor

Constructs an instance that represents null-value.


Nullable::Nullable(std::nullptr_t) constructor

Constructs an instance that represents null.


Nullable::Nullable(const T1&) constructor

Constructs an instance of Nullable class that represents the specified value converted (if necessary) to the value of the underlying type T.

template<typename T1> System::Nullable<T>::Nullable(const T1 &value)

Template parameters

T1The type of the specified value


valueconst T1&A constant reference to the value to be represented by the newly constructed Nullable object

Nullable::Nullable(const Nullable<T1>&) constructor

Constructs an instance that represents a value that is represented by the specified Nullable object. The specified nullable object may represent a value of different type than the underlying type of the constructed instance in which case the represented value is converted to a value of type T.

template<typename T1> System::Nullable<T>::Nullable(const Nullable<T1> &value)

Template parameters

T1The type of the value represented by the specified Nullable object

See Also