
Nullable::operator-=(T1) method

Returns an instance of Nullable class that represents a null-value.

template<typename T1,typename> Nullable<T> System::Nullable<T>::operator-=(T1)

Nullable::operator-=(const T1&) method

Applies operator-=() to the value represented by the current object using the specified value as a right-side argument.

template<typename T1,typename> std::enable_if<!IsNullable<T1>::value, Nullable<T>>::type System::Nullable<T>::operator-=(const T1 &other)

Template parameters

T1The type of the value used as the right-side value of operator-=()


otherconst T1&A constant reference to the value that is used as a right-side value of the operator-=() applied to the value represented by the current object.

Return Value

A reference to the self

Nullable::operator-=(const Nullable<T1>&) method

Applies operator-=() to the value represented by the current object using the value represented by the specified Nullable object as the right-side argument.

template<typename T1> Nullable<T> System::Nullable<T>::operator-=(const Nullable<T1> &other)

Template parameters

T1The underlying type of a Nullable object the value represented by which is used as the right-side argument of operator-=()


otherconst Nullable<T1>&A constant reference to Nullable object the value represented by which is used as a right-side argument of the operator-=() applied to the value represented by the current object.

Return Value

A reference to the self

See Also